
March 2025

You Capture: Faces

Beth’s assignment was “Faces” this week. I love the faces in my house. They aren’t always very cooperative, but I take my shots whenever I can!

As Noah got off the bus yesterday, the sun caught him so nicely.

Caden gets some crazy hair after he’s worn his hat for a […]

You Capture: Color

This week’s challenge is a great one. Color. I love color. We were at the Milwaukee Art Museum this past Sunday and I found myself surrounded by color. And I found myself appreciating our art museum just a little bit more. (Hang in there: there are a LOT of pictures!)

January 27th, 2010 | Category: Awesome, Fun stuff, Photography, You Capture | 16 comments - (Comments are closed)

You Capture: Love Around Your Home

The assignment given to us by Beth for this week was to find love around our homes. We were to capture what we love, what gives us joy as we look around our home. Here’s what I found.

We had this bulletin board for a while, and finally Andy wanted […]

You Capture: Your Winter

It should be fun to see what everyone comes up with for this week’s You Capture theme. See, Beth is really popular in many areas of the country (and probably the world!) and not everyone lives in a snowy winter wonderland like I do here in Wisconsin. But this is what we’ve […]

You Capture: 2009 in pictures

You Capture is back! It’s been a busy few weeks for everyone, especially Beth. So she took a little hiatus, then challenged us to gather up our favorite photos from 2009.

Well, seeing as I’ve challenged myself to a Project 365, I’m not too ambitious in pulling together pictures again. So I’m […]

You Capture: Holiday Decor

I liked the challenge presented to us by Beth this week, but I wish I’d worked on it before tonight! But I love decorating for Christmas. It helps to have Mr. Christmas living in our house-Andy loves this time of year. So we have a good time decorating.

Here are some of […]

You Capture: Lines

I admit, I’ve been a little wrapped up in Caden’s birthday, today’s snow day for Noah, and Christmas preparations that I didn’t get a chance to go out and take any pictures of lines this week. Yes, I’m admitting I cheated on Beth’s assignment this week. But I like these lines nonetheless!


You Capture: Tell a story

Beth challenged us to tell a story using photos of what makes us happy. I decided spending time with my boys makes me happy. Decorating the Christmas tree while listening to Christmas music makes me happy. And some yummy bokeh makes me happy!


December 2nd, 2009 | Category: Boys, Caden, Family, Fun stuff, Holidays, Home life, Noah, Photography, You Capture | 20 comments - (Comments are closed)

You Capture: Food

I wasn’t going to participate in Beth’s challenge this week. I’m not much of a cook, and I don’t often have my camera at restaurants. But then I thought of my rolls. Not around my waist! I made yummy rolls for Thanksgiving! They’re nothing special. Just frozen Rhodes dough. But soooooo tasty!


You Capture: Sunrise/Sunset

This week over at Beth’s, she challenged us to capture the sunrise or sunset, or to interpret sunrise/sunset at will. I went literal.

Here’s the sunrise out my back sliding door just the other morning. It’s prettier out my bathroom window upstairs, but I was in the middle of working out in […]