
March 2025

You Capture: Sweet

There was a fair amount of sweetness this past week.

A sweet toothless face (his fourth lost tooth in about 2 weeks!):

A sweet light fixture at the American Girl store at Mall of America:

The sweet boutique at American Girl:

Sweet silhouettes at the aquarium:

A sweet […]

You Capture: Fresh

I had all sorts of plans to get shots of my lilac bush that is starting to show bigger buds, or my daffodils (that refuse to bloom, though I think they’ll bloom this weekend-while I’m out of town!), or even my fresh, clean laundry. But all I got was this:

It’s […]

You Capture: Comfort

(We’re over at Keli’s again this week for You Capture.)

Comfort is found on a sunny warm day in early April when you can run around barefoot (I wish I’d painted my toenails before I took this shot!)…

…or in a snuggle with sweet Mollie, my brother-in-law’s dog.

You Capture: Feet

Oh, I love feet!*** That may make me weird. I know feet gross out a lot of people. Not me! I spent the fall of 1997 taping ankles of sweaty Badger football players. That’s a lot of stinky feet!

But I really love my boys’ feet. They’re so cute! I had a […]

You Capture: A Moment

We’ve had some challenging topics over at I Should Be Folding Laundry for our You Capture assignments. This week it was “a moment”. I found our trip to Denver afforded me some suggestions.

It only took us a moment to drive through valleys in the mountains, but it took years for the […]

You Capture: Reaching

I slacked last week and didn’t participate in Beth’s challenge to capture quiet. I was exhausted living a single parent’s life while Andy was in Ireland. I just didn’t have it in me to work on my blog. But I’m back, and I had a good time coming up with shots for […]

You Capture: Hopeful

WOW! This is my 400th post! Unbelievable! I don’t have any giveaway or anything. I don’t get enough readership, besides my family and friends, and they are rewarded with my love every day! 🙂

Anyway, it’s time for You Capture again. This week, the theme is “Hopeful”.

I’m hopeful that someday I […]

You Capture: Shapes

I didn’t want to go with anything too traditional when it came to shapes for Beth’s challenge this week. Of course, I waited until today to figure this out, so I was kind of limited in my options, seeing as I was volunteering at Noah’s school this morning, running Caden to the […]

You Capture: Kisses

It was a fitting theme over at You Capture this week. It was kisses. It’s a challenge to get a self-portrait of a kiss, but I have a couple. Not really my best effort, but I think they’re cute.

And I think I used this next […]

You Capture: Work

The topic for this week’s You Capture was the suggestion of one of Beth’s readers. I wasn’t thrilled by the idea at first, as I only worked one day since last week, and there are pretty significant laws about patient privacy in hospitals (like I would really take pictures of my patients!) […]