
March 2025

You Capture: Black and White

This week, Beth wanted us to work on some processing to create some black and white shots. I used some shots from our trip to the pool last Friday to play with some Lightroom presets.

Pretty Presets: BW Sweetness

Lightroom preset: B&W Creative-Look 2

Lightroom preset: B&W Creative-Look 3


You Capture: Vehicles

As the mother of two boys, you can be sure we have vehicles around here.

Space Shuttles:

A zamboni:

Lego vehicles, mostly Star Wars vehicles:

A giant bucket of cars/trucks/airplanes:

And Batman vehicles, which often surround the Joker-mobile: (I like the washed-out color, kind of like the old […]

You Capture: America

After my epic, photo-filled post the other night, this one will be short and sweet. These are different images of my America.

A parade route filled with spectators.

Flags flying (on the back of a Milwaukee-made Harley-Davidson, the only motorcycle that should be allowed in a parade […]

You Capture: Hands

We had the choice of “hands”, “chair” or “green”. I debated doing “green” and “chair” as I started covering our kitchen table chairs with green fabric, but then I decided to go with “hands”. My boys’ hands are very busy, very much of the time.

Busy playing “Rock, paper, scissors” […]

You Capture: Water

I had images of taking shots of the boys as they played in the sprinkler, slid along the slip-n-slide, or splashed in the pool. But our lovely Wisconsin weather had other plans. There were some cooler temperatures, a lot of clouds, and quite a bit of rain. So rain will have to […]

You Capture: Fun

Fun is:

-finding tiny shells

-looking for the perfect skipping stone

-getting your stone to skip two or three times

-throwing rocks into the lake

-throwing more rocks into the lake

-throwing even […]

You Capture-Sky

I didn’t do much for this week’s assignment until today. I wasn’t sure if I was going to come up with anything, and then Mother Nature sent us a weird weather system that dumped huge raindrops on our house (and all over the inside, too, since our windows were open!) and brought […]

You Capture: Depth of Field

I really didn’t think I’d get this post up and ready. I’m up to my elbows in rummage sale stuff. We’ve been prepping for weeks, and finally the weekend is here and we’ve got wonderful weather! I’m purging a bunch of baby stuff, and it feels kind of good (even though I’m […]

You Capture: Yellow

I’m back this week, and I had some fun taking pictures of some yellow crayons.

I was surprised to find only four shades of yellow in our big box of crayons. I don’t know what I expected, but I guess I expected to find more than […]

You Capture: Spring

Spring is:

There’s more spring to be seen over at Beth’s. Enjoy!