
October 2024

You Capture: Work

The topic for this week’s You Capture was the suggestion of one of Beth’s readers. I wasn’t thrilled by the idea at first, as I only worked one day since last week, and there are pretty significant laws about patient privacy in hospitals (like I would really take pictures of my patients!) […]

7 Days::1-Obnoxious scrubs!

It’s time for the winter 2009 edition of 7 Days, so here’s my first entry.

I had to work today, and I had to take advantage of the time of year to wear my Santa/snowman scrub top. Yes, it’s quite obnoxious, but aren’t all scrub tops? They’re comfy, they have big pockets, and […]

Weigh-in Wednesday: Week 5

Initial weight: 124.0 Last week: 123.0 This week: 123.2 Change: +0.2

I think it has something to do with the numerous Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, mini Krackle bars, fancy-flavored Twizzlers, and peanut M&M’s that I ate yesterday at work as we tried to keep our morale up on our first day of […]

Random thoughts

So I’m laying here on the sofa, just thinking about some things. Here they are:

Dancing with the Stars *My boys like to watch this with me. I’m often jealous of (almost) every single friend of mine because they have at least one girl. But when my boys get excited about watching “American Idol” or […]

Weigh-in Wednesday: Week 4

Here we are again. It’s Wednesday, time to fess up. No, it’s really not that big of a deal, but whatever.

Initial weight: 124.0 Last week: 123.0 This week: 123.0

Yup. No change. I’m not terribly upset. I’ve had four really stressful days at work. I don’t normally work four days in […]

Still employed

No, it’s not me that had the potential to be unemployed. Well, I suppose there’s always the chance I could lose my job, but people are still getting hurt, having surgery, having strokes, getting UTI’s, getting dehydrated, getting pneumonia, breaking bones, fainting, and crabbing about their pain, so I’m pretty safe for a while.

Andy […]

It’s good to know people

This morning, around 11:00, I was (stupidly) lifting Caden into my car, not using my legs at all, and twisting while holding Caden out in front of me. (Caden is perfectly capable of climbing into my car and into his carseat, but he was busy eating his sucker after getting his haircut, which is adorable […]