
March 2025

You Capture: Play

We do a lot of playing around here. All sorts of playing.

Playing cut-throat Scrabble games (that are much more difficult when you have very few vowels!)

Playing cut-throat Battleship games (under a shelter in the pouring rain!)

Playing t-ball games (with […]


Andy returned home today from a business trip in India. Yup, I.N.D.I.A. Yikes! He was lucky enough to be there with a man who was born in Calcutta and loves to show people around the country. They spent the day on Saturday in Agra, visiting the Taj Mahal. A-MAZ-ING!


You Capture: A Moment

We’ve had some challenging topics over at I Should Be Folding Laundry for our You Capture assignments. This week it was “a moment”. I found our trip to Denver afforded me some suggestions.

It only took us a moment to drive through valleys in the mountains, but it took years for the […]

Ode to 2009

We’ve had quite a year, a year so fine.

Let’s review what’s happened for the Hoffman’s in 2009!

The year started with visiting the art museum and Domes.

Noah lost his first tooth and the tooth fairy visited our home.

In February we drove to […]

You Capture: Still Life

I have about a million pictures to edit from our awesome weekend in Las Vegas, and I’m just not that excited to do it. I’ve been recovering from the weekend, sleeping whenever possible. I haven’t even taken my camera out of the bag since Sunday. I think I just needed […]

7 Days: 7 Sassy Saj

While at the Neon Museum today, we found this old sign that says “Sassy Sally” and I figured it was the perfect backdrop for my last day of 7 Days!

We’re off to see Blue Man Group tonight! Can’t wait!


7 Days: 5 and 6

Seeing as I was in full-stress mode yesterday preparing for our awesome weekend in Las Vegas, I forgot to post this cool picture I took yesterday for 7 Days. The theme was “night” so I took my chances.

That’s my finger in the bottom left corner, trying to point to the North Star. It’s […]

You Capture: Photographer’s Choice

After a couple of weeks off, and many days of no blogging, I’m back! Seeing as we were on a CRAZY COOL trip last week, I think I have an excuse!

This week’s challenge from Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry was “photographer’s choice.” My choice is to share some shots […]

Wednesday Weigh-in: Final Week

I made it! It’s our last week-at least for this challenge! I’ll try to keep up with the Sisterhood with the next challenge which is apparently starting on June 3. I’ve got a few weeks to slack! Just kidding! I’m sort of loving Shredding with Jillian again, but realizing that I’m still […]

What a day!

This morning started out like many others: Shredding, shower, breakfast, reminding the boys 8 times to go upstairs to get dressed, reminding the boys 5 times to put their shoes on, getting out the door to take Noah to school. I did not say “frantically” getting out the door to take Noah to school because […]