
March 2025

New job update

So, this past Tuesday was my last official day working for the pool. (Aside: A big plus to not working for the pool? Not having to explain that it’s a pool of therapists, not a swimming pool! Though I used to go in the pool a lot at my first job in Appleton. But I […]

Movin’ on up


Here’s the 2005 Camry that has been my transportation for the past 3 years. About 4 months after we got it (on lease), I cracked the rear bumper trying to get out of a parallel parking spot. When I asked my father-in-law (our car guru) what to do about it, he suggested we […]

Is it really still Wednesday???

My morning started pretty normally-I went for a run, showered, got the boys up and eating, and dressed. Then we headed out for a tour of a potential daycare facility.

Since we moved back to the Milwaukee area, my mom and my mother-in-law have been the best caregivers for my boys while I’ve been working […]

Happy Birthday Catheroo!!!

It’s my SIL’s birthday today! No need to divulge age here! I’m sad I can’t be there to celebrate with her, but I know my brother probably has something up his sleeve for her. So I’m sending my love through the blogosphere, wishing her a very happy day!

Anyone wanna run?

I just got back from my soggy morning run.* While I’m running, listening to my Workout mix on my iPod (thanks Mathy!), I think. All sorts of things go through my head. Today I was thinking about work, preschool, cars, money, and running. And I remembered that I finally will be able to run in […]

The interview

Catheroo (my SIL), has interviewed me, after she was interviewed herself. I thought, “Hey, why not?!” and told her to fire away. Here it is:

1) Did you and Andy choose Noah and Caden’s names together or did one of you win out over the other? Did you always know what you wanted to name […]

Here goes nothing!

Well, I’m finally doing this. I’ve been thinking about blogging for a few months now. I love reading my brother’s and sister-in-law’s blogs, and I decided maybe someone would be interested in reading one of mine! If anything, this is a way to keep people updated on our lives, since I’ve become terrible at […]