
March 2025

You Capture: The Year’s Best

I bet you all thought I was gone! I bet you all thought I’d given up on this blogging thing! Nope! I’m still here. I just took a little hiatus. And what better way to rejoin the blogging world than by linking up to one of my favorite photo challenges.

Beth challenged […]

I Heart Faces: In the Orchard

Since we love our apple picking trips so much, I thought this would be an appropriate challenge to enter. It was tough to choose one out of all of our fun shots, but I just love watching Noah try to eat apples with less teeth than the average person!


You Capture: Get Outside!

Oh, I’ve been in a bit of a blogging funk lately! I’ve skipped the past few “You Capture” challenges. I guess I’ve been on my version of summer vacation. I’m hoping to get back into a groove once school starts and we get into more of a schedule.

That being said, we’ve […]

You Capture: Get Down Low

This was a fun challenge. Well, they’re pretty much all fun, but this one leaves so much open to interpretation.

I started with a shot of my mother-in-law’s beautiful garden. Mind you, this isn’t anywhere NEAR her entire garden. Her yard is just gorgeous. Granted, she has her summers off (she’s an […]

Last Day of Kindergarten

Ah, early June. It must mean the last day of school! Unbelievably, Noah is finishing kindergarten today. He’s been so excited because his teacher said she’d call the kids kindergarteners this morning, and then after lunch she’d start calling them first graders. Cute!

What a change in such a short time!

You Capture: Give me your BEST shot

I wish I’d taken a bit more time this past week to really get out with my camera to focus on taking pictures, rather than grabbing it when something was going on. I wish I could do that any week! But here’s a shot of one of my shrub roses in my […]

I Heart Faces: Yellow

Over at I Heart Faces, the theme is “Yellow”. While snapping away as the boys played outside today, I realized the Slip ‘N Slide was yellow, and I could maybe catch a fun shot to enter this week. I happen to really like this one!

You can see a lot more yellow over […]

February Zoo Fun

Noah has Thursday and Friday off this week. This morning, the boys had dentist appointments. Both did wonderfully, and we found out Noah currently has SIX loose teeth! Two are quite obvious, but the other four not so much. I’m hoping once he loses the two top front teeth (the most loose), they start to […]

7 Days:1 Relaxing

It’s time for 7 Days again. Thank goodness Catheroo reminded me this time! I missed the summer session.

I really need the motivation to get some pictures posted. I just haven’t been that motivated to blog lately. I think it may be the change in weather. I’m also getting anxious about our mini-vacay next weekend, […]

Oh well

I was all ready to blog about our day today. It was a sunny day, in the mid-50’s, and really feeling like spring is on its way so the boys and I ventured out to the zoo (along with the rest of Southeastern Wisconsin!). I was going to post all sorts of pictures from our […]