
March 2025

Wednesday Weigh-in: Final Week

I made it! It’s our last week-at least for this challenge! I’ll try to keep up with the Sisterhood with the next challenge which is apparently starting on June 3. I’ve got a few weeks to slack! Just kidding! I’m sort of loving Shredding with Jillian again, but realizing that I’m still […]

Weigh-in Wednesday: Week 6

Initial weight: 124.0 Last week: 123.2 This week: 123.0

Yep, I’m kind of hovering right at that 123 mark. I’m sure a lot of it is because I’m not really watching what I eat as well as I probably should. Sure, I make some good choices at times. Like today, when I […]

Weigh-in Wednesday: Week 5

Initial weight: 124.0 Last week: 123.0 This week: 123.2 Change: +0.2

I think it has something to do with the numerous Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, mini Krackle bars, fancy-flavored Twizzlers, and peanut M&M’s that I ate yesterday at work as we tried to keep our morale up on our first day of […]

Weigh-in Wednesday: Week 4

Here we are again. It’s Wednesday, time to fess up. No, it’s really not that big of a deal, but whatever.

Initial weight: 124.0 Last week: 123.0 This week: 123.0

Yup. No change. I’m not terribly upset. I’ve had four really stressful days at work. I don’t normally work four days in […]

Weigh-in Wednesday

It’s Wednesday again, and it’s time to fess up.

Initial weight: 124.0 Last week: 123.2 This week: 123.0 Loss this week: -0.2 lbs

It’s not the biggest loss, but it’s just fine for me based on my eating habits this past week. Well, it was Easter, you know. And Easter means candy. […]

Weigh-in Wednesday and Shredding Day 3

Alternate post title: “Saj and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day”

Let me preface this by saying that there were some definite highlights to today, but they’re being overshadowed by the lowlights. Let’s start with the positive: * It’s sunny and in the low 50’s-a lovely spring day in southeastern Wisconsin * My dear, […]

Shredding and sore!

This morning, I started Jillian Michael’s 30-Day Shred. It’s 20 minutes of circuit training every day for 30 days. They claim you can lose 20 pounds! I don’t necessarily need to lose 20 pounds, but I’d love to firm up some areas on my body!

Well, I’m figuring I’m going to have a hard time […]

Weigh-in Wednesday

Well, it’s Wednesday again, and the Sisterhood is asking us to fess up. I’m torn about my weigh-in. See, when I weighed myself last Wednesday, it was after a big lunch of pancakes, and I was fully clothed. I normally weigh myself in the morning, either before or after my shower, with […]

I wanna shred!

That is, I want to have “Jillian Michael’s 30-Day Shred” workout DVD, and the ladies (and gentleman) over at the Sisterhood are giving away seven DVDs this week. They’re starting a 30 day shred challenge on Monday, and they want us to play! I want to challenge myself a bit, so I’m in. If I […]

Trying some new motivation

Okay, so I’m not very pleased with my body lately. I know I’ve already talked about this lately, but it’s definitely been on my mind about 17.5 hours a day (just not when I’m sleeping). I recently ordered a book and a DVD from that is supposed to help with my diastasis. The book […]