
October 2024

Global warming?

This was the temperature today around 3:30 pm:

If this is global warming, keep it coming!

I don’t get it

I didn’t read the “Twilight” books. I never had any interest in them. I’m not really into the vampire thing. I didn’t really like “Interview With a Vampire”, and the Count on Sesame Street always kind of bugged me. I think I heard some people comparing them to Harry Potter, but I don’t see much […]


That’s how old Noah is today. He’s gone from this…

…to this…

…in the blink of an eye.

It was a great day. Noah’s off for Teacher’s Convention, so we took advantage of a weekday afternoon to have his birthday party at a local bowling alley. All I need […]

What am I doing wrong?

Okay, time for me to vent. Sorry if this gets out of control, or I start rambling, or whatever. But I’m pissed right now.

Today was Noah’s last t-ball game. It’s a gorgeous day, a wonderful breeze blowing, and the team did great. They don’t keep score, but everyone did their best, they had fun, […]

Krazy Kid Kwotes

A few days ago, I discovered yet another pair of Noah’s jeans were on the verge of tearing at the knee. Seriously?! Anyway, I said something to Noah about it, and he said, “I’m a knee holer!” No kidding.


The other day, it was pretty sunny and the sun was shining in through our […]

You Capture-Shadows

So this week, I kind of cheated. And Beth, the assigner, specifically said we’re supposed to “break out our camera and take pictures based on the assignment.” So I feel a little guilty. The assignment was shadows and as soon as I saw the assignment, I knew the picture I wanted to use.


Kind of getting sick of it!

So as of February 17 of this year, we were supposed to be all digital for our TV signals. All of those people out there with TVs older than dirt were supposed to get one of those converters that they could get for like 10 cents with some voucher coupon thing.

Then Congress decided this […]

I can’t stop watching!

I’ve been reading “spoilers” from Reality Steve and others about tonight’s finale of “The Bachelor” and I was really torn about watching. But I think it’s like a train wreck that you just keep watching, waiting for the carnage. More later…


Just read Dooce and she had this video clip posted, and it made […]

What happened here?

I’m finally calming down. It’s amazing what DVR’d American Idol and Survivor can do for some mental health!

For Lent, I gave up raising my voice to the boys (I know, it’s really supposed to be a sacrifice of something you enjoy, and I definitely don’t enjoy raising my voice, but I do it a […]

Two a-holes in southeastern Wisconsin

This afternoon, we were driving home from Andy’s parents’ house and we observed two pretty unbelievable incidents, one more a-hole-ish than the other.

Just after we pulled out of the driveway, we saw a car coming toward us, and it looked like the driver had just opened his door-as he was driving. We then saw […]