
March 2025

Noah the Leprechaun

Noah wrote a story at school, and it’s too great not to share it. I’m writing it verbatim, spelling and all.

“Noah liked to be a leprechaun, but there was one probloem, he didn’t know he was a leprechaun! Then he recagnized something, well…that looked like gold! Gold! he screamed! It’s here! It was sent […]

First Day of 4-Year-Old Preschool

Today was Caden’s big day. He started his second year of preschool. Ever since Noah started last week, he’s been waiting for his chance to go to school. I’m pretty sure the main reason was so he could be with his best buddy Van, but I’d like to think he actually likes the actual school […]

First day of First Grade!

Noah is officially a first-grader now! He was so excited to go to school this morning.

We sent him on the bus, and then Caden and I met him at school to help get him settled in his classroom. He looked a little tentative at his spot at […]

Kindergarten Circus

Today was the performance of Noah’s Kindergarten Circus. It was such a fun production! Noah was an elephant.

There were (from left to right) ringmasters, tightrope walkers, horses, elephants, giraffes, strongmen, lions, monkeys, clowns, and a human cannonball. Yep! There really was a human cannonball!

Here are his “poses”.


Last day of preschool

It’s hard to believe it’s already the end of May! The end of May means the end of preschool for the year. Even though Caden will be going to the “extension program” for the next two weeks, today was his official last day with his regular class.

Look at how he’s changed!


Diptych Tuesday::Shapes

I was in charge of coming up with our theme this week, and Catheroo had to remind me at about 3:15 yesterday afternoon! I had some inspiration from Caden’s art project at school, though.

First, here’s Catheroo’s shot of shapes. I think I remember these things floating around the house when I was little and […]

Ode to 2009

We’ve had quite a year, a year so fine.

Let’s review what’s happened for the Hoffman’s in 2009!

The year started with visiting the art museum and Domes.

Noah lost his first tooth and the tooth fairy visited our home.

In February we drove to […]

Caden’s first day of preschool

Today was Caden’s big day. He had his first day at his “new school.” His “new school” is Noah’s “old school” and Caden is extremely familiar with the building, the routine, and the teachers there. So his first day went swimmingly. He had a great time, but also told me he missed me! I missed […]

Not even a backward glance

Second day of school, first day riding the bus to school.

(Notice the blur to the second shot here-he couldn’t get up those stairs fast enough!)

No tears from me, either! We’re both growing!


First day of school!

We made it! Noah had his first full day of kindergarten today. And he was a total rock star! I was a wreck (thank goodness big sunglasses are in style and it was sunny today!), but he was a champ! I’m really proud of him.

We made sure we were up and […]