
March 2025

You Capture::Technology

It’s been a really long time since I’ve done a You Capture. I really need to get back into it. I miss it! And I need to have some fun with my camera again. I’ve got this new camera, and I’m not experimenting as much as I should. I’m just so EXHAUSTED […]

Joy of Love::6/28 and 7/28

The ones they love

Andy loves his boys, and his Green Bay Packers-especially after a Superbowl win!!!



Three generations of H-family men. Can you see any family resemblance?


You Capture::Red

This should have been an easy assignment. We are red people around here. We have a red wall in our living room. We have tons of red clothing seeing as we’re Badger fans. But I’ve taken pictures of a lot of that stuff before.

I figured I’d show off my latest sewing […]

Joy of Love::1/28 and 2/28

I’ve decided to participate in Kelly Willette’s Joy of Love photography workshop. I needed a little something to inspire me to think a little more creatively with my photography. Each day, Kelly gives us a new prompt or assignment to go out and capture, using a loved one as the subject. Needless to say, you’ll […]

You Capture::Happy

There is happy all over the place. My boys; my hubby; sun glinting off freshly fallen snow; a weekend spent with girlfriends, staying up late talking, eating way too much, watching random movies; Words With Friends… I could go on and on.

Today, I was extremely happy to be sitting at Starbucks, […]

You Capture: Orange

This is the best time of year to have this theme for our weekly challenge! I’m sure that’s what Beth was thinking!

(This one was taken last week Sunday, before Beth gave us this challenge, but I had to include it!)

I’m sure there will be a […]

You Capture: Flowers

At this time of year in southeastern Wisconsin, the flowers are dwindling. But I found some that are hanging on, hanging on for dear life, to the wonderful summer that is now past, hoping to be able to stick around for some of fall, which is now upon us.

My mom has […]

Just to toot my own horn…

So I follow a TON of blogs. Too many, I’m sure. But I’ve been following several of them for a while and I’m wrapped up in the lives of those on those blogs. I also follow a lot of photography-based blogs, hoping for some information, guidance, education as I try to improve my photography.

Many […]

I Heart Faces: Fix-It Friday 9/10/10

I decided to have another go at the Fix-It Friday over at I Heart Faces. The little girl is just so sweet, I figured I’d take a shot at making her look a little prettier.

Here’s the original:

And here’s my fix:

I’m still working on figuring out Lightroom, so every bit […]

You Capture: Signs

I could have gotten all creative with this one. I could have taken shots of signs we see everywhere, shooting from different angles, processing with all different styles. I could have taken shots of “signs”, or things that are foreshadowing, but that would have been kind of deep.

Instead, I went with […]