Noah wrote a story at school, and it’s too great not to share it. I’m writing it verbatim, spelling and all.
“Noah liked to be a leprechaun, but there was one probloem, he didn’t know he was a leprechaun! Then he recagnized something, well…that looked like gold! Gold! he screamed! It’s here! It was sent […]
The challenge this week over at I Heart Faces is “Sun Flare”. I love sun flare! And I love that I know how to capture some!
Today was a gorgeous, sunny day, though still a little chilly. Noah went to a birthday party and got a “lightsaber” bubble wand that he wanted to try […]
This should have been an easy assignment. We are red people around here. We have a red wall in our living room. We have tons of red clothing seeing as we’re Badger fans. But I’ve taken pictures of a lot of that stuff before.
I figured I’d show off my latest sewing […]
What a gorgeous day we had around here! I love fall days like this. The sun was warm, there was a great breeze, and I had my favorite subjects to practice on, though they were a bit reluctant at times. I still got some great shots, if I may say so myself!
Look at the […]
I don’t feel like getting too wordy with this post. I’ll just say that the rain cleared out in time for us to enjoy a dry game. The weather was cool, but warmer than it was supposed to be. And despite spending most of the first quarter listening to Caden whine, we all had a […]
Noah is officially a first-grader now! He was so excited to go to school this morning.
We sent him on the bus, and then Caden and I met him at school to help get him settled in his classroom. He looked a little tentative at his spot at […]
I’m a bit of a morning person. Okay, not just a bit. I’m a full-fledged morning person. I’m also an optimist for the most part, and somewhat of a cheerleader at work with my patients. It’s kind of, ahem, disgusting.
Anyhoo, my mornings usually start with a view of the first bits […]
We do a lot of playing around here. All sorts of playing.
Playing cut-throat Scrabble games (that are much more difficult when you have very few vowels!)
Playing cut-throat Battleship games (under a shelter in the pouring rain!)
Playing t-ball games (with […]
Or as we call it around here, Thursday. We’ve had crazy rain storms around here this summer. Up until yesterday, the storms seemed to happen at night only, making for a great summer. But yesterday, the rain started around 8:00 in the morning, and didn’t stop until early this morning. There was a bit of […]
This week, Beth wanted us to work on some processing to create some black and white shots. I used some shots from our trip to the pool last Friday to play with some Lightroom presets.
Pretty Presets: BW Sweetness
Lightroom preset: B&W Creative-Look 2
Lightroom preset: B&W Creative-Look 3