
March 2025

You Capture-Sky

I didn’t do much for this week’s assignment until today. I wasn’t sure if I was going to come up with anything, and then Mother Nature sent us a weird weather system that dumped huge raindrops on our house (and all over the inside, too, since our windows were open!) and brought […]

You Capture: Depth of Field

I really didn’t think I’d get this post up and ready. I’m up to my elbows in rummage sale stuff. We’ve been prepping for weeks, and finally the weekend is here and we’ve got wonderful weather! I’m purging a bunch of baby stuff, and it feels kind of good (even though I’m […]

You Capture: Spring

Spring is:

There’s more spring to be seen over at Beth’s. Enjoy!

You Capture: Fresh

I had all sorts of plans to get shots of my lilac bush that is starting to show bigger buds, or my daffodils (that refuse to bloom, though I think they’ll bloom this weekend-while I’m out of town!), or even my fresh, clean laundry. But all I got was this:

It’s […]

You Capture: A Moment

We’ve had some challenging topics over at I Should Be Folding Laundry for our You Capture assignments. This week it was “a moment”. I found our trip to Denver afforded me some suggestions.

It only took us a moment to drive through valleys in the mountains, but it took years for the […]

Shots of the yard

We spent some time over at Andy’s parents’ house today. They live on 10 acres and have great wildlife out there. I think I saw 3 or 4 blue jays coming to their bird feeder. And there are deer tracks all over their backyard. See? (This is my shot for today for Project 365, btw.)


You Capture: Your Winter

It should be fun to see what everyone comes up with for this week’s You Capture theme. See, Beth is really popular in many areas of the country (and probably the world!) and not everyone lives in a snowy winter wonderland like I do here in Wisconsin. But this is what we’ve […]

Global warming?

This was the temperature today around 3:30 pm:

If this is global warming, keep it coming!

You Capture: Sunrise/Sunset

This week over at Beth’s, she challenged us to capture the sunrise or sunset, or to interpret sunrise/sunset at will. I went literal.

Here’s the sunrise out my back sliding door just the other morning. It’s prettier out my bathroom window upstairs, but I was in the middle of working out in […]

Hanging on

This was the temperature today:

Keep in mind that I live in southeastern Wisconsin, and it’s November 8.

N-O-V-E-M-B-E-R 8!

We’re hanging on. Just like these apples.

Just like these […]