
March 2025

Counting down

I never like to wish time away. Of course, there are days that I want to pass as quickly as possible because there are things to be done that aren’t too pleasant. Like a colonoscopy, or really, the day before! Or the day I took my PT board exam. Or each of the two days […]

Time for some pictures

Today was a gorgeous, COLD, sunny day here. On the way home from picking up Noah from school, my car said it was 17 degrees. UGH! It’s March 12!!! But it was incredibly sunny and at this time of year, the sun is much warmer than January, so you can fool yourself into thinking it’s […]

You Capture (and a funny phrase)

The theme for You Capture this week was “texture.” I really struggled with this for a while. I think it’s partly because I’m feeling sort of uninspired. I feel like we’ve been waiting forever for spring, and it’s taking its sweet little time coming to my part of the world. Take, for example, the temperature […]


I am really uninspired tonight. It very well could be because I only got about 5 hours of sleep last night. It could also be because I keep reading other blogs and feel somewhat inadequate compared to them. Or maybe it’s because I haven’t taken any pictures for the past couple of days and I’m […]

Too tired

I’m just back from dinner with the girls at The Melting Pot and I’m just too tuckered out to write more. I’m still trying to adjust to the time change, which would explain why I changed my alarm to go off an hour later than originally planned this morning and I ignored the workout clothes […]

Weekend synopsis

This weekend has been tiring. Actually, just last night was tiring. And not just because of Daylight Savings Time.

Andy’s sister, who turned 30 on Thursday, had her birthday party last night at Mo’s Irish Pub. We met there around 7:45 for dinner, but didn’t order until 8:30. We had two long tables reserved for […]

We’re up and running!

Just after I posted that last post about my laptop not working, my laptop started working. Of course. I’m a pretty firm believer in Murphy’s Law, so it’s only appropriate that this is what happened. So instead of just laying on the sofa, doing sudoku puzzles, while watching Juno with Andy, I’m messing around on […]

Big day!

No, sadly, these aren’t mine. Maybe someday…

Today, Andy’s sister, Lizzy, turned 30! I hosted dinner, but Andy’s mom made it all. We had her nummy lasagna, salad, tasty Texas Toast, and delicious pumpkin bars for dessert. I’m stuffed to the gills, and actually, as I lay here on the sofa, I have my […]

You Capture

I’ve discovered a blog called I Should Be Folding Laundry and it’s on my Google Reader so I always know when she posts. She’s fun to read, and she makes me want to do more blogging and get a larger group of readers. Many of the blogs I’ve been reading make me feel this way!


Caden’s memory

So, my three-year-old appears to have a pretty lousy memory. I use the word “appears” because I think it has more to do with his priorities than anything else.

For instance, you could ask him what he had for lunch two hours ago, and he may not remember, probably if it was something he […]