I just finished looking through my Google Reader, catching up on the (too) numerous blogs I’ve gotten into. I thought I may find something to inspire a blog entry today. Not so much. There are wonderful things being written on those many blogs, and I guess I feel I don’t have anything terribly interesting to […]
The other day, I took the boys to Betty Brinn where we met their friends, Maddie and Katie, and their mom (my friend), Steph. It was a little chaotic. There are tons of things to see and do, and numerous places to see and do those things. Add a couple of field trips and other […]
A few days ago, I discovered yet another pair of Noah’s jeans were on the verge of tearing at the knee. Seriously?! Anyway, I said something to Noah about it, and he said, “I’m a knee holer!” No kidding.
The other day, it was pretty sunny and the sun was shining in through our […]
This morning, I called the open enrollment coordinator who was out of the office for the past two days. I got her voice mail again! But I left a voicemail, and she called back a few minutes later. Noah is 29th on the waiting list-for 12 spots. “You should probably think about some other options.” […]
Yesterday at Noah’s school, it was “Mom’s Day.” The moms are invited to stay at school for the first 45 minutes. Noah’s class sang us two songs: “We Love our Mommies” (sung to the tune of “Where is Thumbkin”) and “I Had a Little Turtle”. Then we had a snack served on placemats that the […]
So this week, I kind of cheated. And Beth, the assigner, specifically said we’re supposed to “break out our camera and take pictures based on the assignment.” So I feel a little guilty. The assignment was shadows and as soon as I saw the assignment, I knew the picture I wanted to use.
Look what we found today! (Notice just my feet got to see daylight-haven’t shaved for a few days!)
It got to 75 degrees here today. AMEN! Spring is really coming! Of course, it’s going to cool down a bit for the next couple of days, but it’s expected in March in southeastern Wisconsin. So we […]
So as of February 17 of this year, we were supposed to be all digital for our TV signals. All of those people out there with TVs older than dirt were supposed to get one of those converters that they could get for like 10 cents with some voucher coupon thing.
Then Congress decided this […]
Today was the second gorgeous day in a row, and we’re due for two more. Too bad I have to work the next couple of days. But still, it’s feeling like spring! Here’s some extra proof that spring is on its way (5 more days!):
Fresh buds on my lilac bush!
The ground finally […]
This morning, Andy and Noah got out the dominoes. They built a line to knock over, then Noah headed upstairs to get dressed. This is how I found Andy and Caden a few minutes later.
We kept telling Caden to not get too close and to wait for Noah. He was quite patient. I […]