
March 2025

You Capture: Your Real Life

Beth’s assignment was a bit of a challenge this week, which seems to be the norm lately! I guess she’s trying to get us thinking or something!

Anyway, an idea presented itself last night. I had just put the boys to bed and was settling down onto the couch to catch up […]

Let’s Go Fly a Kite!

This past Saturday, when the temperature soared into the upper 60’s (hey, that’s really high for my neck of the woods in November!), we took the time to clean out our garage. We tossed out a bunch of broken toys, organized the toy bucket, swept out the tree worth of leaves, and got […]

I want to dance with the stars

I wish I could come up with some way to have my fifteen minutes of fame like Melissa Rycroft (without going on a lame show like “The Bachelor” and getting my heart ripped out by some loser!) so I could be a contestant on “Dancing With the Stars”.

I’m watching the show from last night, […]

Waffle night

I’m going out to dinner tonight with some of my girlfriends from the neighborhood (two of whom have “defected” to a nearby suburb), so Andy is in charge of dinner for the boys and himself. He decided waffles would be a good idea, and then he decided to make them from scratch. So […]

Hanging on

This was the temperature today:

Keep in mind that I live in southeastern Wisconsin, and it’s November 8.

N-O-V-E-M-B-E-R 8!

We’re hanging on. Just like these apples.

Just like these […]


A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to go with Noah on his field trip to the pumpkin farm. I took pictures of the kids: petting a snake (ick!), feeding the goats (ick!) and playing in the loose hay (fun!). But I also took pictures of pumpkins. Lots and lots of pumpkins.


Fun with a buddy

We were invited to our friends’ house for dinner tonight, and were very excited to go. Unfortunately, I think Caden has another round of pink eye, and I didn’t think it would be the best thing to let him run around with their kids. So just Noah and I went, leaving Caden to have a […]

You Capture: Free Choice

This week was a free choice for photo subject over at Beth’s You Capture site. We were lucky enough to get a pass for a behind-the-scenes tour at the zoo again this year, so I’m going to share photos from our tour this past Sunday.

I love the flamingos. I also love […]

The holidays are coming

Now that Halloween is over, apparently it’s time to get all things Christmas out on the shelves in stores: Christmas candy at the grocery store, Christmas trees, wrapping paper and ornaments at Target. The Christmas music will probably start shortly on the radio.

It also means that it’s time for the influx of catalogs. I’m […]

Who knew…

…that Obi Wan Kenobi rides a three-wheeled scooter wearing a red fire engine helmet, pulling tricks?

And he also likes to play street hockey on our driveway with Andy and a hockey stick that’s way too long for him?

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