
March 2025

Celebrity, shmelebrity

Have celebrities always been so stupid, getting away with crazy stuff, and not having to really pay for it? Lindsey, Britney, Nicole, Paris… Okay, maybe the word “celebrity” is too broad. Blond(ish), 20-somethings who have lots of money are getting away with ridiculous things. Maybe it’s the money thing. I don’t know, but it’s getting […]

Book suggestions?

I just finished “Smart Girls Like Me” by Diane Vadino. I think I finished it in record time for me. I borrowed it from the library and only had 10 days to finish it, and I finished it in 6 days! Yeah me!

Anyway, I’m wondering if anyone has any suggestions for books for me […]

Ay yah!

We took Noah to a trial karate class tonight. I got a coupon to try free for a week, then a free uniform. So tonight we had our free trial.

We learned to bow when we enter the building, and bow when we step onto the mat. I say “we” because the parents are expected […]

Our little cherub

Noah is old enough to sing in the “Cherub Choir” at our church. It’s for kids 3 years old to 1st grade. When I first asked if he wanted to do it, he said “maybe when I’m older.” We convinced him to take a shot.

He had his second rehearsal the other day, and it’s […]

Badger day with Caden

Yesterday, we took Caden to the Badger game with Andy’s parents. It was the Michigan game, as well as our chili tailgate day. I’m telling you, we Wisconsin fans know how to tailgate! Caden was happy with his apple and chips. And he’s perfectly entertained tossing the football around with Grandpa!



Yeah, I forgot to blog yesterday. I’ve failed at NaBloPoMo, and it’s only the 10th of November. I’ll try to make up for it.

But not tonight. I’m exhausted. Yesterday I got all goofed up because I worked to make up for missing work on Thursday, and then last night, I was busy preparing for […]

The longest afternoon ever

Today, around 1:15 CST, I heard some loud voices, followed by a thud. No, I wasn’t taping the beginning of a “Law & Order” episode. I was listening to my four-year-old shove his little brother into the corner of the play table because Noah didn’t want Caden putting more stickers on his sheet of paper.


Advice needed

When I picked Noah up from school today, his teacher asked if I could hang back for a minute. Um, sure? This can’t be good, right?

She told me that Noah is having a hard time listening lately, and it seems to be getting worse. Yeah, we’ve been noticing that at home as well.

And […]

Biased? Maybe…

Today, I went to my mom’s house to pick up the boys, and Caden was in his singing mood. Here’s what he was singing:

“On, Sconsin! On, Sconsin! Tutdun hmm hmm LINE! Oooh wah wah!”

Translation: “On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin! Plunge right through that line/Touchdown sure this time! U rah rah!”

Noah can sing the […]


It’s November 5th, right? SEVEN weeks and 1 day until Christmas, right? Then why is there Christmas music coming out of the speakers of my surround sound system in my living room? Oh yeah, that’s it! My husband LOVES Christmas. Sometimes, to a fault. He was asking if it was too early for a Christmas […]