I figured I could post some pictures from our weekend. Here’s a sampling:
 This is the front door to their house. This picture doesn’t do the house any justice. It’s beautiful inside! Craftsman/Frank Lloyd Wright influences throughout. And windows galore! It’s amazing!
   The kids played Wii quite a bit. Noah beat […]
Miles driven:Â 750
Calories consumed:Â 10,000
Hours shopped:Â 10
Being home after a great Thanksgiving weekend with family:Â priceless
I did it. I ventured out with my mom, aunt, 2 cousins-in-law, and my first-cousin-once-removed on Black Friday. Yes, I’m a little crazy.
We left the house around 6:00 am. After a stop at Panera for one of their yummy quiches, we went to Kohl’s, JCPenney’s, Joanne’s, Best Buy, Target, lunch, Home Goods, Toys R […]
It has been chaos around here today. There are 10 adults and 9 children, and one dog running around. Well, the kids and dog are doing most of the running. We’ve had several bumps, scrapes, and bruises (mostly to Noah!). There has been a lot of screaming, mostly in fun.
But overall, this has been […]
It only took 7 hours!Â
We made three stops:Â one bathroom break, one dinner break, and one gas/bathroom break.
We kept entertained:Â the boys watched two movies, I played the alphabet game 3 times (“Q” in Dairy Queen, “antiques,” and KQ-something for some radio station), Andy played the alphabet game once (it took him […]
We leave tomorrow for our road trip to Minnesota to spend Thanksgiving with my extended family at my cousin’s house in Orono. I’m starting to get a bit nervous. Nothing big. This is the first time we’ve really had to travel a good distance for a holiday. It’s just a little stressful making sure that […]
We braved the mall on Saturday. It’s already crazy busy. I’m really not a huge fan. But we promised we’d take the boys to see Santa. Noah came prepared. He brought one of his toy catalogs.
This year, I’ve been asking him what he wants from Santa. I hate to admit it, but I’ve been […]
We’ve been having a problem with flies lately. In our bathroom. Our upstairs, master bathroom. About one each day.
Where on earth do they come from? I wondered this often, until I saw one fly out of our heat register. Huh? That’s a new one. Or maybe not. Whatever the case, it was bizarre. And […]
For Noah’s 4th birthday, we got him a kiddie camera. He has been having a really good time with it ever since. It’s not anything really fancy, but it takes decent pictures.
Here’s a sampling:
The upside-down picture of Caden is actually a self-portrait-he tends to hold the camera upside-down! […]
No, I’m not talking about Andy (though he is a bit dreamy!). I’m talking about my own Patrick Dempsey doll! I would prefer for him to be in scrubs, but a suit and overcoat will do just fine. Maybe I could fashion some scrubs for him?