It’s November, which means that it’s NaBloPoMo, aka National Blog Posting Month. I’m going to give it a shot. I did it last year, but missed one day. I did it in August, and made it the whole month. I think I can do it. But I’m adding another element-I’m going to try to post […]
I made it through a whole month of NaBloPoMo! Some of my posts left a lot to be desired, but I wrote a post every day for the whole month. And it was a month with 31 days! Yeah me!
But now I think it’s time for a little break. I won’t be gone completely. […]
I’ve decided to start a weekly post. It will be called “This Week in Photos” and will appropriately include photos from the past week. I’ll try to do this each Saturday. Since NaBloPoMo ends tomorrow (for me), this is something I can try to keep up with for a while, until I (crazily) decide to […]
The boys and I spent the morning at a “new” park today with Amy, Kylie, and Andy. The three “big kids” did great running on their own, while Andy was a little kamikaze and kept us running after him. There was a nice, shady area just beyond the playground equipment, so to get out of […]
I just got back from my first Intro to Photography class. I enrolled for this class through WCTC (Waukesha County Technical College), and then realized it’s a 3 credit class! Yep, I have tests. FOUR of them! And I have a portfolio that will be due at the end of the semester.
There were a […]
That’s what I would call today-“better.” The boys were infinitely better today! We had playgroup here this morning, and they were very excited about that, so I think that helped keep them on their best behavior. All of the kids had a great time. They played on our neighbors’ swingset, in our sandbox, and on […]
For a mere $6, I had a very nice therapy session tonight. All it takes is a house margarita, a “Triple Chocolate Meltdown” (to share), and a couple of hours with three of my best friends to help take some of my worries and frustrations and put them on the back burner.
This was a […]
Today is my sister-in-law, Catheroo‘s 40th birthday! She doesn’t look a day over 39, though! Here are some pictures from her party this past Saturday while we were in California.
Birthday banner.                      […]
I’m just back from California, and even though my internal clock is still on California time and it’s 8:30 pm there, I’m exhausted!
I couldn’t get off the plane fast enough tonight. First, I had to go to the bathroom! But really, I just wanted to see my boys-all three of them! There is nothing […]
It’s about 9:30 here in San Jose, and I’m pooped! The day started out pretty quietly, but quickly became busy as we prepared for Cathy’s 40th birthday party. There were decorations to put up, veggies to chop, sodas to chill, and balloons to fill.
The party was a definite success. Matte and Cathy’s backyard is […]