Again on the topic of Proposition 8 in California, my dear sister-in-law posted this video on her Facebook page, and my dear aunt sent me the link of Keith Olbermann commenting on Proposition 8. No offense to Catheroo and her friend Jenni, but I think Olbermann has really hit the nail on the head.
I hit my wall tonight. I’m battling yet another cold (it feels like I’ve been sick for more than a month) and I’m exhausted. I was sitting looking at a Target catalog with Caden and I started falling asleep! I’m barely keeping my eyes open right now. That’s all I have to say. Good night!
Caden has a way of personifying any inanimate object. His Big Blue Blankie always wants hugs and kisses. Caden calls “him” his “best big blue blankie in the whole world!” He says his cars are his friends.
Tonight, he had collected 5 cars and lined them up in a row. I was taking pictures of […]
***Disclaimer***There is a questionable photo in one of the posts to which I have a link, so you may want to shield your computer screen from your kids!***
This past week, we elected our first African-American president. As everyone has been saying, it’s a great way to show our kids that they can be anything […]
I don’t know how many of you know this about my husband, but he LOVES Christmas. No, really. It’s his favorite time of the year. It’s nice to not live with a Scrooge, but sometimes it’s a bit much. My biggest complaint is his love of Christmas music. It has its place and time, but […]
Noah had his 5-year check-up yesterday. I always like to see how he’s doing on the growth chart. He is 44.5 inches tall, which is the 81st percentile. He’s 43.6 pounds, which is the 70th percentile. They also calculate his BMI which is 52%. I was pretty shocked and concerned when I saw that number, […]
I’m ready to go to bed, so I’ll just post a couple of pictures. Noah took these a few weeks ago with our point-and-shoot camera. He has his own kiddie camera, but he likes to try the grown-up camera. Not too bad!
…can it be 72 degrees on November 5, one degree short of the record, only to be expecting, based on the forecast, 40 degrees for a high and snow by November 8. It really sucks when you know that today is the last nice day we’ll probably see until April or May! But we’ve enjoyed […]
This afternoon, I went to my parents’ house to pick up the boys after my day at work. As I said in my last post, there are a ton of kids on my parents’ court, so the boys love Monday afternoons. As I pulled into the court, I was almost hit head-on by a Barbie […]