30 posts in 30 days. Done. Yeah me! And I think most of my content was pretty worthwhile!
I’ll try not to be too much of a stranger, but I’ll try to save posts for times when I have something that may be interesting to you 7 readers.
But first a couple of things.
1. […]
That’s all I have left for NaBloPoMo. Thank goodness! I’m losing steam very quickly! I’m lacking a bit in topic for tonight.
I could write about our slow Christmas decorating process.
I could write about Andy touching up practically every nick and scratch in our wood trim on the first floor this weekend (we have […]
Last night, Caden and Noah made a wish on the wishbone from my mother-in-law’s Thanksgiving turkey. Caden won, and told Andy he wished for Bumblebee from the “Tranformers” movie. Not that he’s ever seen the movie or anything!
Anyway, today when we were there to pick the boys up (they slept over last night, which […]
I’m really tired today. I haven’t been sleeping very well. I sleep fine until about 5:00 or so, then it’s sort of off and on, until I give up and get up around 6:00 or so. I’m thinking I need to pick up some Tylenol PM or something! And I’m going to see “Rent” tonight […]
I have so much to be thankful for tonight:
*My amazing children *My adoring husband *A loving family *A roof over my head *A job for my husband and myself (and one that I love, at that!) *Food on the table at any time (and a very full belly right now) *Warm […]
I wasn’t going to participate in Beth’s challenge this week. I’m not much of a cook, and I don’t often have my camera at restaurants. But then I thought of my rolls. Not around my waist! I made yummy rolls for Thanksgiving! They’re nothing special. Just frozen Rhodes dough. But soooooo tasty!
This morning we headed downtown to the children’s museum with our friends, Steph, Maddie, and Katie. It’s always a fun thing to do with the kids, and even more fun today was driving down all together in the minivan. The kids were crazy! And then while we were there, Caden and Katie found their buddy, […]
Have you discovered Etsy? I was introduced to Etsy by my dear SIL, Catheroo. It is a great site to find all things handmade. There are the odd things (WARNING: GRAPHIC MATERIAL! I did not discover these myself! Seriously!), pretty things, weird things, and everything in between.
Over at Beth’s blog, I Should Be Folding […]
So it’s Monday night, and I’m at a loss as to what to write about. I finished day three of four work days in a row, and I’m getting a little burned out. Luckily, yesterday and today were fairly short days, and tomorrow is shaping up to be a bit of the same. But I’m […]
This was the temperature today around 3:30 pm:
If this is global warming, keep it coming!