
March 2025

I’m published (again!)

Today, there was an envelope in the mail that said “Payment enclosed” on the front. I don’t know of any payment that is to be coming my way. I opened it, and found a check for $50 made out to me, and in the memo line it said “Signspotting submission”.

So a few months ago […]

Not much to say

I just got back from seeing “(500) Days of Summer” with some girlfriends and learned a few things:

1. I’m really glad Andy and I didn’t go see it last weekend-not really his type of movie.

2. I’m glad to not be dating anymore.

3. I really like Zooey Deschanel.

4. I know Joseph Gordon-Levitt […]

Bringing in some “sun”

I was just looking through some of my old pictures, and found this one. It’s a nice picture to look at because it reminds me that normally on August 29, we could be enjoying some warm, sunny weather.

Unfortunately, this August 29 brought us 64 degrees for a high, and an overcast sky with […]

You Capture: Food

When I saw the challenge for this week over at I Should Be Folding Laundry was “food”, I thought about this post. Then I thought it would be cheating. So I thought about it a little bit, and decided on…blueberries.

I have been eating blueberries this summer like they’re going out of style. I’ve been […]

At the movies

Andy and I just got back from seeing “Funny People“. It was hilarious! I don’t often laugh out loud at movies, but this one had me laughing a LOT! I’ve always liked Adam Sandler, and Seth Rogen is a new favorite of mine. If you can get past the crude language (there’s a lot in […]

Too tired

Yup, that’s me. Not that today was so taxing on me. On the contrary. It was quite nice.

I went shopping a bit in the morning, came home for some lunch, took a little snooze on the sofa, baked some break-apart cookies, then headed out with the family to my friend’s parents’ lake home. Despite […]


Ciao Bella Blood Orange Sorbet. So refreshing. I highly recommend it. ‘Nuf said.

You Capture: Motion

Another week, another challenge. And this one was a little bit of a challenge. But when we were at the water park yesterday (more on that later), I thought I’d take advantage of the thousands of times Noah went down one of the water slides (Caden wasn’t much of a fan!).



*Doin’ it Ourselves

Andy started the latest project in our house today. We’re going to lay tile in our bathroom. It was time to be rid of the ugly linoleum. So I came home from work to find our toilet in the playroom and my bathroom devoid of any floor besides the subfloor.


You Capture: You

Well, it’s not really you “you”. It’s really me. Yup. Beth wanted us to capture ourselves. I’m not really excited about this challenge, but I’ll do it for Beth!

I actually thought ahead a little bit with this one. See, after I chopped my hair off last summer to donate to Children […]