Today the Wisconsin Badgers played the Michigan Wolverines, and won! the final score was 45-24. It was a great game for me, seeing as it’s the first, and only, game I’ll go to this year. Andy and I took his sister, Lis, and our friend, Doug. We usually park at the same place for every […]
Another blog I’ve discovered is Quiet Life. I found Donna through The Pioneer Woman. Both are amazing photographers, and I dream of being that talented. I also love that Donna is in the Madison area! Cool!
Anyway, she had a “Friday Fill in” post today, and I decided to participate.
1. The last band I […]
Lissa over at Whooo’s That Girl started a new blog carnival last week and I think I’m going to give it a try. It often helps me to have a topic or suggestion for my blog posts, as I’m not the best writer out there.
Anyway, thank goodness for Google Reader! As […]
I wish I could come up with some way to have my fifteen minutes of fame like Melissa Rycroft (without going on a lame show like “The Bachelor” and getting my heart ripped out by some loser!) so I could be a contestant on “Dancing With the Stars”.
I’m watching the show from last night, […]
This was the temperature today:
Keep in mind that I live in southeastern Wisconsin, and it’s November 8.
N-O-V-E-M-B-E-R 8!
We’re hanging on. Just like these apples.
Just like these […]
I really wasn’t sure if I felt like participating this week. I’ve been sick, so I’m just not up to full speed. Then I thought about the assignment, Technology, a little more, and realized I had a good idea.
I watch a lot of TV. A. LOT. I like it, okay? And […]
While at the Neon Museum today, we found this old sign that says “Sassy Sally” and I figured it was the perfect backdrop for my last day of 7 Days!
We’re off to see Blue Man Group tonight! Can’t wait!
Seeing as I was in full-stress mode yesterday preparing for our awesome weekend in Las Vegas, I forgot to post this cool picture I took yesterday for 7 Days. The theme was “night” so I took my chances.
That’s my finger in the bottom left corner, trying to point to the North Star. It’s […]
As the countdown continues (the plane leaves in approx. 33 hours!), I keep preparing for our departure to Fabulous Las Vegas. One more thing to cross off the list-painting my toenails.
The stress is building, but as Andy put it tonight, we can’t wait to sleep in while we’re on vacation!
I really try my best to get my booty out of bed in the morning to go running. It’s much harder at this time of year as it’s still dark for about half of my run. So here’s how I dress for a run around my neighborhood at o’dark thirty.
This was […]