
March 2025

Advent Activities-Day 3

I read an article in a magazine about a family that comes up with holiday-related activities for days leading up to Christmas, starting on December 1. They put them in pockets on their hanging Advent calendar. I thought it sounded really fun. I love the idea of starting a tradition like this in our family. […]

NaBloPoMo 2009 is over!

30 posts in 30 days. Done. Yeah me! And I think most of my content was pretty worthwhile!

I’ll try not to be too much of a stranger, but I’ll try to save posts for times when I have something that may be interesting to you 7 readers.

But first a couple of things.

1. […]

Two more days

That’s all I have left for NaBloPoMo. Thank goodness! I’m losing steam very quickly! I’m lacking a bit in topic for tonight.

I could write about our slow Christmas decorating process.

I could write about Andy touching up practically every nick and scratch in our wood trim on the first floor this weekend (we have […]


I’m really tired today. I haven’t been sleeping very well. I sleep fine until about 5:00 or so, then it’s sort of off and on, until I give up and get up around 6:00 or so. I’m thinking I need to pick up some Tylenol PM or something! And I’m going to see “Rent” tonight […]

Thank Goodness! Thursdays: Thankful

I have so much to be thankful for tonight:

*My amazing children *My adoring husband *A loving family *A roof over my head *A job for my husband and myself (and one that I love, at that!) *Food on the table at any time (and a very full belly right now) *Warm […]


So it’s Monday night, and I’m at a loss as to what to write about. I finished day three of four work days in a row, and I’m getting a little burned out. Luckily, yesterday and today were fairly short days, and tomorrow is shaping up to be a bit of the same. But I’m […]

I don’t get it

I didn’t read the “Twilight” books. I never had any interest in them. I’m not really into the vampire thing. I didn’t really like “Interview With a Vampire”, and the Count on Sesame Street always kind of bugged me. I think I heard some people comparing them to Harry Potter, but I don’t see much […]

Blast from the past

We’re still de-cluttering and organizing and moving furniture around here. Tonight (yes, a Friday night cleaning!), as I cleaned our office, I found a bunch of my old tapes. Yes, tapes. Pre-CD’s. I used to make mix tapes all the time. I used to have a Walkman that I carried around campus, while rollerblading, everywhere. […]

I’m really published!

Remember this post from September? I submitted a photo to “Signspotting” and received a check in the mail for it. I wasn’t sure where to find the picture, but I figured it had to be out there somewhere! Today, I found out where it was.

This arrived from FedEx today. Yeah me! I […]

Out with the old

I’m having this overwhelming urge to clean, organize, de-clutter, get rid of old junk, and prepare for new stuff coming in. With Caden’s birthday just a short time from now, closely followed by Christmas, we will soon be having an influx of more stuff. And we’ve just been inundated with stuff from Noah’s birthday. It’s […]