There is happy all over the place. My boys; my hubby; sun glinting off freshly fallen snow; a weekend spent with girlfriends, staying up late talking, eating way too much, watching random movies; Words With Friends… I could go on and on.
Today, I was extremely happy to be sitting at Starbucks, […]
So I follow a TON of blogs. Too many, I’m sure. But I’ve been following several of them for a while and I’m wrapped up in the lives of those on those blogs. I also follow a lot of photography-based blogs, hoping for some information, guidance, education as I try to improve my photography.
Many […]
I don’t feel like getting too wordy with this post. I’ll just say that the rain cleared out in time for us to enjoy a dry game. The weather was cool, but warmer than it was supposed to be. And despite spending most of the first quarter listening to Caden whine, we all had a […]
I’m a bit of a morning person. Okay, not just a bit. I’m a full-fledged morning person. I’m also an optimist for the most part, and somewhat of a cheerleader at work with my patients. It’s kind of, ahem, disgusting.
Anyhoo, my mornings usually start with a view of the first bits […]
We’ve been very busy this weekend. We’ve been busy having FUN! (This is a REALLY long post, so hang in there!)
We’ll start with this past Thursday night, when Andy and I headed down to Summerfest to check out O.A.R. with some friends. It was packed, but we were able to claim a section of […]
***Beware!!! Photo-heavy post ahead!***
We headed to the beach tonight for the annual city beach party. The boys were really looking forward to swimming. Then we saw this:
Um, we’ll pass on the swimming thing! The boys had a great time in the sand anyway.
…Andy and I said our vows and became husband and wife.
Look at Andy’s hair!
We had our reception at the Milwaukee County Zoo. This picture is in front of “monkey island”!
Here’s what my dear hubby got for me. Marble isn’t necessarily […]
I really didn’t think I’d get this post up and ready. I’m up to my elbows in rummage sale stuff. We’ve been prepping for weeks, and finally the weekend is here and we’ve got wonderful weather! I’m purging a bunch of baby stuff, and it feels kind of good (even though I’m […]
After work today (a day I thought would be short, where I’d be home by 12:00, but ended up being a long, full day), I was ready to come home and relax on the sofa, reading the paper, looking at catalogs from the mail, and finishing Thursday’s episode of “The Real Housewives of New York” […]
We took advantage of the 5-Day, 5-County Celebration to get half-price tickets and landed ourselves in the ninth row down the left field foul line. They were pretty great seats, but it was hard for the boys to see from that low. We still managed to have a good time (despite a pretty bad loss […]