
October 2024

Two more days

That’s all I have left for NaBloPoMo. Thank goodness! I’m losing steam very quickly! I’m lacking a bit in topic for tonight.

I could write about our slow Christmas decorating process.

I could write about Andy touching up practically every nick and scratch in our wood trim on the first floor this weekend (we have […]

The makings of Star Wars junkies

We’re watching The Empire Strikes Back with the boys right now. It’s raining outside, it has been all day, and we have no energy to entertain the boys with anything but the TV. So it’s “Star Wars number 5” (according to Noah) night. Noah and Caden got to watch Star Wars with my parents a […]

Krazy Kid Kwotes

A few days ago, I discovered yet another pair of Noah’s jeans were on the verge of tearing at the knee. Seriously?! Anyway, I said something to Noah about it, and he said, “I’m a knee holer!” No kidding.


The other day, it was pretty sunny and the sun was shining in through our […]

Mom’s Day

Yesterday at Noah’s school, it was “Mom’s Day.” The moms are invited to stay at school for the first 45 minutes. Noah’s class sang us two songs: “We Love our Mommies” (sung to the tune of “Where is Thumbkin”) and “I Had a Little Turtle”. Then we had a snack served on placemats that the […]

You Capture (and a funny phrase)

The theme for You Capture this week was “texture.” I really struggled with this for a while. I think it’s partly because I’m feeling sort of uninspired. I feel like we’ve been waiting forever for spring, and it’s taking its sweet little time coming to my part of the world. Take, for example, the temperature […]


This evening after I picked up the boys from my parents’ house, we were driving past the hospital where I work. The cars ahead of me were stopping in the middle of the hill and I noticed 4 deer crossing the road (we live in a pretty suburban area, but the deer are everywhere!). I […]

Bits of my day

This morning, we were able to start our day in one of my favorite ways-the boys climbing into bed (nicely waiting until after the clock says “7-zero-zero” to come in our room) and all of us snuggling. Then off to breakfast, and no other agenda for a few hours. We cleaned up a bit, built […]

Back home!

I’m just back from California, and even though my internal clock is still on California time and it’s 8:30 pm there, I’m exhausted!

I couldn’t get off the plane fast enough tonight. First, I had to go to the bathroom! But really, I just wanted to see my boys-all three of them! There is nothing […]

Happy Birthday Grandma!

It was Andy’s mom’s birthday yesterday, and, according to Noah (yesterday), “She’s 56. Yesterday she was 55.”

We had dinner at Fuddrucker’s tonight. The boys love to play the arcade games. And the food is pretty tasty!

I asked Noah to make a birthday card for Grandma.* He drew the line to write on, […]

Where do they come up with this???

Noah’s been into rhyming things lately. He’ll hear a word, then try to figure out rhymes. He’s doing alright, for a 4-year-old, but sometimes he goes off on tangents.

Noah: “What rhymes with ‘worm’?”

Nana: “Germ.”

Noah: “Germ! A germ is almost as small as a worm’s teeth!”
