
March 2025

You Capture: Holiday Decor

I liked the challenge presented to us by Beth this week, but I wish I’d worked on it before tonight! But I love decorating for Christmas. It helps to have Mr. Christmas living in our house-Andy loves this time of year. So we have a good time decorating.

Here are some of […]


My baby is four. How did this happen? I swear we just brought him home from the hospital! Here he was then:

Santa even came to the hospital! (Please ignore my double-chin in this shot. Having a 10+ pound baby will do that to you!)

Here’s Caden today:

It has been a […]

Advent Activities-Day 3

I read an article in a magazine about a family that comes up with holiday-related activities for days leading up to Christmas, starting on December 1. They put them in pockets on their hanging Advent calendar. I thought it sounded really fun. I love the idea of starting a tradition like this in our family. […]

You Capture: Tell a story

Beth challenged us to tell a story using photos of what makes us happy. I decided spending time with my boys makes me happy. Decorating the Christmas tree while listening to Christmas music makes me happy. And some yummy bokeh makes me happy!


December 2nd, 2009 | Category: Boys, Caden, Family, Fun stuff, Holidays, Home life, Noah, Photography, You Capture | 20 comments - (Comments are closed)

Two more days

That’s all I have left for NaBloPoMo. Thank goodness! I’m losing steam very quickly! I’m lacking a bit in topic for tonight.

I could write about our slow Christmas decorating process.

I could write about Andy touching up practically every nick and scratch in our wood trim on the first floor this weekend (we have […]

Random events from today

This morning we headed downtown to the children’s museum with our friends, Steph, Maddie, and Katie. It’s always a fun thing to do with the kids, and even more fun today was driving down all together in the minivan. The kids were crazy! And then while we were there, Caden and Katie found their buddy, […]

Blast from the past

We’re still de-cluttering and organizing and moving furniture around here. Tonight (yes, a Friday night cleaning!), as I cleaned our office, I found a bunch of my old tapes. Yes, tapes. Pre-CD’s. I used to make mix tapes all the time. I used to have a Walkman that I carried around campus, while rollerblading, everywhere. […]

Quite a ‘do

Or maybe he needs a haircut.

Yup. Haircut.

Out with the old

I’m having this overwhelming urge to clean, organize, de-clutter, get rid of old junk, and prepare for new stuff coming in. With Caden’s birthday just a short time from now, closely followed by Christmas, we will soon be having an influx of more stuff. And we’ve just been inundated with stuff from Noah’s birthday. It’s […]

You Capture: Your Real Life

Beth’s assignment was a bit of a challenge this week, which seems to be the norm lately! I guess she’s trying to get us thinking or something!

Anyway, an idea presented itself last night. I had just put the boys to bed and was settling down onto the couch to catch up […]