
March 2025

First Day of 4-Year-Old Preschool

Today was Caden’s big day. He started his second year of preschool. Ever since Noah started last week, he’s been waiting for his chance to go to school. I’m pretty sure the main reason was so he could be with his best buddy Van, but I’d like to think he actually likes the actual school […]

First day of First Grade!

Noah is officially a first-grader now! He was so excited to go to school this morning.

We sent him on the bus, and then Caden and I met him at school to help get him settled in his classroom. He looked a little tentative at his spot at […]

Last day of preschool

It’s hard to believe it’s already the end of May! The end of May means the end of preschool for the year. Even though Caden will be going to the “extension program” for the next two weeks, today was his official last day with his regular class.

Look at how he’s changed!


Happy half-birthday, Noah!!!***

Yes, we celebrate half-birthdays in our family. I grew up celebrating my half-birthday (which was last Friday by the way). My best friend’s mom used to make half cakes for us! I like celebrating them for my boys in particular, because they both have birthdays near the end of the year, quite close to Christmas […]

The Tooth Fairy is officially broke!

She has to make a stop at my cousin’s house this time to deliver yet another stack of quarters for yet another tooth of Noah’s!

Noah’s tooth had been wiggly for a bit, but really got a lot more wiggly today when he bumped it with his knee (don’t ask me how he managed to […]


How did my oldest son just graduate from preschool today???

How is he old enough to go to kindergarten next year???

How am I going to handle all of this change???

This morning Noah had a little “graduation” at school. It was a lot of fun. Noah was lucky enough to have […]

He really is only 5 years old!

Noah’s tooth has been wiggling for a few weeks. I get grossed out really quickly when it comes to tooth/mouth-related stuff, so I’ve been avoiding messing with it. Every now and then I’d look over at him and it would be out of alignment which pretty much creeped me out.

Tonight, Andy and […]