
March 2025

Really cool!

I just found this on the Digital Photography School website. It’s very cool-both the song and the video!

Death Cab for Cutie – Little Bribes from Ross Ching on Vimeo.

What a day!

This morning started out like many others: Shredding, shower, breakfast, reminding the boys 8 times to go upstairs to get dressed, reminding the boys 5 times to put their shoes on, getting out the door to take Noah to school. I did not say “frantically” getting out the door to take Noah to school because […]

Brewer game

We spent another evening cheering on our Brewers tonight. This time it was Andy, myself, and the boys, along with our good friends, RJ, Angie, Nathan, and Teagan. Nathan and Noah are best buds in their preschool class, and Caden and Teagan have had music class together, as well as lots of play dates together. […]

Random thoughts

So I’m laying here on the sofa, just thinking about some things. Here they are:

Dancing with the Stars *My boys like to watch this with me. I’m often jealous of (almost) every single friend of mine because they have at least one girl. But when my boys get excited about watching “American Idol” or […]

Madison Fun

We had tickets for the Badger Band spring concert last night, so Andy took yesterday and today off of work, and we made a mini-vacation out of it.

We left yesterday around 2:30, drove to the west side of Madison, checked into our hotel, then headed downtown to do some shopping before dinner and the […]

Easter at our house

We had a nice Easter today. I got up early to Shred, then had to keep the boys from coming downstairs too early! Once we allowed them to come down, they were excited to find their baskets of goodies.

Then they hunted for eggs in our living room. Note to self: it’s best to […]

You Capture: Week Seven-Fun

I’m back with my weekly assignment from Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry. The theme was “fun.” We’ve had plenty of fun around here, but I don’t always capture it on camera. Today I was trying to figure out what I could do. My friend, Sandy, came over and we took […]

Betty Brinn

The other day, I took the boys to Betty Brinn where we met their friends, Maddie and Katie, and their mom (my friend), Steph. It was a little chaotic. There are tons of things to see and do, and numerous places to see and do those things. Add a couple of field trips and other […]

Saturday morning fun

This morning, Andy and Noah got out the dominoes. They built a line to knock over, then Noah headed upstairs to get dressed. This is how I found Andy and Caden a few minutes later.

We kept telling Caden to not get too close and to wait for Noah. He was quite patient. I […]

Too tired

I’m just back from dinner with the girls at The Melting Pot and I’m just too tuckered out to write more. I’m still trying to adjust to the time change, which would explain why I changed my alarm to go off an hour later than originally planned this morning and I ignored the workout clothes […]