Another week, another challenge. And this one was a little bit of a challenge. But when we were at the water park yesterday (more on that later), I thought I’d take advantage of the thousands of times Noah went down one of the water slides (Caden wasn’t much of a fan!).
Today I took the boys to a nearby park to meet up with one of Noah’s friends from preschool. His mom and his sister came too. We don’t get to see them nearly often enough, so it was a great chance for the kids to be crazy together and the moms to visit. There was […]
We were back at the beach this evening! Not the same one as yesterday, but a beach nonetheless! We met up with friends tonight, so it was double the fun.
Here is my little bud, Andy. He’s been on here before. That face just gets me every time!
Today the forecast called for hot and humid weather. I headed out for a run this morning, which turned into a walk because of the humidity (at least that’s what I’ll blame it on!). I figured it was a good day to hit the beach. The boys agreed.
One of our local beaches is on […]
Today was Andy’s dad’s family’s annual reunion. Andy’s dad’s mother was one of 12 kids, so it’s a big group. I really know nothing of large families like that. When we got married, my entire family (at the time) numbered 21. That’s including aunts, uncles, cousins, all of ’em. Andy’s family that attended our wedding […]
Today was the last day of Caden’s summer sports program called “Little Sports Explorer”. Each week they tried a new sport. They did soccer (which he missed while we were on vacation), t-ball, hockey, kickball, another one he missed (because of vacation bible school), and today, track and field. Seriously! It was really […]
Friends. We’ve been with friends in the past week. I just didn’t take any pictures. I really didn’t take too many pictures at all lately. I don’t know why. Whatever.
So I went through some of our activities from the summer, and decided to include a few from […]
***Warning! Numerous photos in the following post! Proceed at your own risk!***
This morning, we ventured out with my parents to Veteran’s Park in downtown Milwaukee to check out the Circus Parade Festival. The Circus Parade used to be an annual event, then took a pretty long hiatus, and is back this year. It’s happening […]
Oh. I just realized that the assignment this week also included food. Hmm. I have plenty of pictures from Independence Day, and plenty of food was eaten. I just didn’t get pictures of it. But I have pictures of the boys at the parade, where they ate their fair share […]
It’s Thursday again, and that can only mean it’s “You Capture” time! This week’s theme from Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry was “Family”. It was a great weekend for it, since it was the holiday, and we spent some time with our families.
Of course, I […]