
October 2024

What a weekend!

We’ve been very busy this weekend. We’ve been busy having FUN! (This is a REALLY long post, so hang in there!)

We’ll start with this past Thursday night, when Andy and I headed down to Summerfest to check out O.A.R. with some friends. It was packed, but we were able to claim a section of […]

An evening at the beach

***Beware!!! Photo-heavy post ahead!***

We headed to the beach tonight for the annual city beach party. The boys were really looking forward to swimming. Then we saw this:

Um, we’ll pass on the swimming thing! The boys had a great time in the sand anyway.


You Capture: Fun

Fun is:

-finding tiny shells

-looking for the perfect skipping stone

-getting your stone to skip two or three times

-throwing rocks into the lake

-throwing more rocks into the lake

-throwing even […]

Kindergarten Circus

Today was the performance of Noah’s Kindergarten Circus. It was such a fun production! Noah was an elephant.

There were (from left to right) ringmasters, tightrope walkers, horses, elephants, giraffes, strongmen, lions, monkeys, clowns, and a human cannonball. Yep! There really was a human cannonball!

Here are his “poses”.


It was a hot one!

The temperature was in the low 90’s again today, extremely unseasonably warm, and very humid. So we pulled out our sprinkler and Slip ‘N Slide! (Warning: LOTS of pictures ahead!)

At first, they weren’t so sure.


A nice way to end the day

After work today (a day I thought would be short, where I’d be home by 12:00, but ended up being a long, full day), I was ready to come home and relax on the sofa, reading the paper, looking at catalogs from the mail, and finishing Thursday’s episode of “The Real Housewives of New York” […]

You Capture: Yellow

I’m back this week, and I had some fun taking pictures of some yellow crayons.

I was surprised to find only four shades of yellow in our big box of crayons. I don’t know what I expected, but I guess I expected to find more than […]

Fun at the Brewer game

We took advantage of the 5-Day, 5-County Celebration to get half-price tickets and landed ourselves in the ninth row down the left field foul line. They were pretty great seats, but it was hard for the boys to see from that low. We still managed to have a good time (despite a pretty bad loss […]

Happy half-birthday, Noah!!!***

Yes, we celebrate half-birthdays in our family. I grew up celebrating my half-birthday (which was last Friday by the way). My best friend’s mom used to make half cakes for us! I like celebrating them for my boys in particular, because they both have birthdays near the end of the year, quite close to Christmas […]

You Capture: Comfort

(We’re over at Keli’s again this week for You Capture.)

Comfort is found on a sunny warm day in early April when you can run around barefoot (I wish I’d painted my toenails before I took this shot!)…

…or in a snuggle with sweet Mollie, my brother-in-law’s dog.