
March 2025

Brewer game

We spent another evening cheering on our Brewers tonight. This time it was Andy, myself, and the boys, along with our good friends, RJ, Angie, Nathan, and Teagan. Nathan and Noah are best buds in their preschool class, and Caden and Teagan have had music class together, as well as lots of play dates together. […]

Shredding and sore!

This morning, I started Jillian Michael’s 30-Day Shred. It’s 20 minutes of circuit training every day for 30 days. They claim you can lose 20 pounds! I don’t necessarily need to lose 20 pounds, but I’d love to firm up some areas on my body!

Well, I’m figuring I’m going to have a hard time […]

So tired

I’m sitting here on the sofa, falling asleep as I make my way through Google Reader, catching up with the multitude of blogs I’ve started reading. I just don’t have very exciting things to say today.

This morning, we headed over to Noah’s school friend, Nathan’s, house. It was Nathan’s little sister’s 3rd birthday. Teagan […]

Too tired

I’m just back from dinner with the girls at The Melting Pot and I’m just too tuckered out to write more. I’m still trying to adjust to the time change, which would explain why I changed my alarm to go off an hour later than originally planned this morning and I ignored the workout clothes […]

The great outdoors

Today, the boys and I went sledding with Noah’s friend from preschool, Nathan, his sister Teagan, and their mom, Angie (the same family we went with to the Domes). We picked up the big boys from school, had lunch at McDonald’s, then headed to the sledding hill. It’s the biggest hill the boys have ever […]

Morning at the Domes

Yesterday, the boys and I headed over to the Mitchell Park Domes with Noah’s friend from school, Nathan, Nathan’s little sister, Teagan (Caden’s buddy), and their mom, Angie. Every year around this time, they set up model railroads in the “Show Dome” that run amid the flowers and plants. The theme this year was “Legoland” […]

Bits of my day

This morning, we were able to start our day in one of my favorite ways-the boys climbing into bed (nicely waiting until after the clock says “7-zero-zero” to come in our room) and all of us snuggling. Then off to breakfast, and no other agenda for a few hours. We cleaned up a bit, built […]

A very nice day

Today has been a pretty nice Sunday. Many of you may know that I often suffer from “S.A.D.” which I have renamed to “Sunday Affective Disorder.” It was especially bad in grad school when Andy lived in Appleton and I was still in Madison and we had to go our separate ways on Sundays. Now […]

Fun with friends Round 2

This afternoon we finally got to spend some time with my dear friend, Liz, and her three kids who live in Massachusetts. I say “finally” because rather than being in the Milwaukee area all week like originally planned, they have been in Chicago with family as her grandmother is not doing well.

I’m so […]

Fun with friends

This evening we hosted 13 adults and 10 children (including us) for dinner and play. Everyone generously brought a dish to pass, and we ordered pizza. It was chaos, but a ton of fun. It’s also a great excuse to clean the house!

Of the 10 kids, there were 3 boys (two of them mine!), […]