
March 2025

An evening walk

Tonight after dinner, Andy and I convinced the boys to go for a walk. Noah always wants to “ride something”, such as his scooter or his bike. We decided to just walk and enjoy some time together. It was a fun thing to do.


A really fun day

***Warning! Numerous photos in the following post! Proceed at your own risk!***

This morning, we ventured out with my parents to Veteran’s Park in downtown Milwaukee to check out the Circus Parade Festival. The Circus Parade used to be an annual event, then took a pretty long hiatus, and is back this year. It’s happening […]

You Capture: Independence Day and Food

Oh. I just realized that the assignment this week also included food. Hmm. I have plenty of pictures from Independence Day, and plenty of food was eaten. I just didn’t get pictures of it. But I have pictures of the boys at the parade, where they ate their fair share […]

You Capture: Photographer’s Choice

After a couple of weeks off, and many days of no blogging, I’m back! Seeing as we were on a CRAZY COOL trip last week, I think I have an excuse!

This week’s challenge from Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry was “photographer’s choice.” My choice is to share some shots […]

You Capture: Family

It’s Thursday again, and that can only mean it’s “You Capture” time! This week’s theme from Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry was “Family”. It was a great weekend for it, since it was the holiday, and we spent some time with our families.

Of course, I […]

Brewer game

We spent another evening cheering on our Brewers tonight. This time it was Andy, myself, and the boys, along with our good friends, RJ, Angie, Nathan, and Teagan. Nathan and Noah are best buds in their preschool class, and Caden and Teagan have had music class together, as well as lots of play dates together. […]

Happy Mother’s Day!!!

Today could have been a little better, what with a VERY sassy 3-year-old and a whiny 5-year-old, but we had a nice day nonetheless. The boys sang in their cherub choir this morning (more on that in another post), then we headed over to Andy’s parents’ house for lunch. We had tasty brats, beans, salad, […]

You Capture: Joy

All week I assumed the assignment this week was “Fun”. I don’t know why. I didn’t bother rechecking the assignment. I had all sorts of ideas, especially with the Brewer game yesterday. So imagine my surprise when I checked Beth’s blog and saw that it’s “Joy”! Well, we found some joy at […]

Weigh-in Wednesday: Week 5

Initial weight: 124.0 Last week: 123.0 This week: 123.2 Change: +0.2

I think it has something to do with the numerous Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, mini Krackle bars, fancy-flavored Twizzlers, and peanut M&M’s that I ate yesterday at work as we tried to keep our morale up on our first day of […]

Easter at our house

We had a nice Easter today. I got up early to Shred, then had to keep the boys from coming downstairs too early! Once we allowed them to come down, they were excited to find their baskets of goodies.

Then they hunted for eggs in our living room. Note to self: it’s best to […]