My wonderful, wonderfully talented sister-in-law, Catheroo, has had one of her photos published! Ironically enough, her photo is in Milwaukee Magazine, which is published by QuadGraphics, Andy’s employer! Go out, get your copy, and turn to page 44 to see her delectable picture of the Midwest Airlines cookies!
WOW! This is my 400th post! Unbelievable! I don’t have any giveaway or anything. I don’t get enough readership, besides my family and friends, and they are rewarded with my love every day! 🙂
Anyway, it’s time for You Capture again. This week, the theme is “Hopeful”.
I’m hopeful that someday I […]
Since we’ve made our way through the rainbow, we’re on to new themes. This week, Catheroo chose “adorable” since it was the last thing I texted to her. Of course, I was talking about her sweet Penny!
We keep taking shots of similar things. Weird!
Catheroo chose to photograph her hubby, my brother, because she […]
Beth’s assignment was “Faces” this week. I love the faces in my house. They aren’t always very cooperative, but I take my shots whenever I can!
As Noah got off the bus yesterday, the sun caught him so nicely.
Caden gets some crazy hair after he’s worn his hat for a […]
We spent some time over at Andy’s parents’ house today. They live on 10 acres and have great wildlife out there. I think I saw 3 or 4 blue jays coming to their bird feeder. And there are deer tracks all over their backyard. See? (This is my shot for today for Project 365, btw.)
Well, there’s no You Capture this week, but I made up this post anyway. It’s about our Christmas celebrations on Christmas Day. Enjoy!
On Christmas Eve, the boys laid out the cookies, coffee cake, carrots, and cheese (for Santa Mouse), along with a letter to Santa explaining that the cheese was for Santa Mouse.
We’ve had quite a year, a year so fine.
Let’s review what’s happened for the Hoffman’s in 2009!
The year started with visiting the art museum and Domes.
Noah lost his first tooth and the tooth fairy visited our home.
In February we drove to […]
I read an article in a magazine about a family that comes up with holiday-related activities for days leading up to Christmas, starting on December 1. They put them in pockets on their hanging Advent calendar. I thought it sounded really fun. I love the idea of starting a tradition like this in our family. […]
Beth challenged us to tell a story using photos of what makes us happy. I decided spending time with my boys makes me happy. Decorating the Christmas tree while listening to Christmas music makes me happy. And some yummy bokeh makes me happy!
December 2nd, 2009 | Category: Boys, Caden, Family, Fun stuff, Holidays, Home life, Noah, Photography, You Capture | - (Comments are closed)
That’s all I have left for NaBloPoMo. Thank goodness! I’m losing steam very quickly! I’m lacking a bit in topic for tonight.
I could write about our slow Christmas decorating process.
I could write about Andy touching up practically every nick and scratch in our wood trim on the first floor this weekend (we have […]