
March 2025

Weigh-in Wednesday: Week 5

Initial weight: 124.0 Last week: 123.0 This week: 123.2 Change: +0.2

I think it has something to do with the numerous Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, mini Krackle bars, fancy-flavored Twizzlers, and peanut M&M’s that I ate yesterday at work as we tried to keep our morale up on our first day of […]

Madison Fun

We had tickets for the Badger Band spring concert last night, so Andy took yesterday and today off of work, and we made a mini-vacation out of it.

We left yesterday around 2:30, drove to the west side of Madison, checked into our hotel, then headed downtown to do some shopping before dinner and the […]

The makings of Star Wars junkies

We’re watching The Empire Strikes Back with the boys right now. It’s raining outside, it has been all day, and we have no energy to entertain the boys with anything but the TV. So it’s “Star Wars number 5” (according to Noah) night. Noah and Caden got to watch Star Wars with my parents a […]

Weekend synopsis

This weekend has been tiring. Actually, just last night was tiring. And not just because of Daylight Savings Time.

Andy’s sister, who turned 30 on Thursday, had her birthday party last night at Mo’s Irish Pub. We met there around 7:45 for dinner, but didn’t order until 8:30. We had two long tables reserved for […]


Is it just me, or does showing a commercial for the Snuggie during The Shining take a little bit away from the intensity of the movie?

Okay not really, I’ve just discovered! This movie still scares the crap out of me!

I can’t stop watching!

I’ve been reading “spoilers” from Reality Steve and others about tonight’s finale of “The Bachelor” and I was really torn about watching. But I think it’s like a train wreck that you just keep watching, waiting for the carnage. More later…


Just read Dooce and she had this video clip posted, and it made […]

Day trippin’

A week or so ago, Andy got two tickets to the EAA AirVenture Museum in Oshkosh from a vendor he works with. We decided to make our way up to the “airplane museum” with the boys today. It was pretty cool. I’m happy we didn’t spend money on admission, as we spent most of our […]

Morning at the Domes

Yesterday, the boys and I headed over to the Mitchell Park Domes with Noah’s friend from school, Nathan, Nathan’s little sister, Teagan (Caden’s buddy), and their mom, Angie. Every year around this time, they set up model railroads in the “Show Dome” that run amid the flowers and plants. The theme this year was “Legoland” […]

Weekend in the Windy City

A couple of months ago, Andy and I started talking about taking the boys to Chicago. We thought they’d enjoy the Shedd Aquarium and the Field Museum. This was our weekend to go, and we couldn’t have asked for a better weekend.

We headed out early Saturday morning to drive down. We endured the dreaded […]

Funny stuff

If only it were this easy…

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die