I don’t feel like getting too wordy with this post. I’ll just say that the rain cleared out in time for us to enjoy a dry game. The weather was cool, but warmer than it was supposed to be. And despite spending most of the first quarter listening to Caden whine, we all had a […]
We’re trying to get as much out of summer as we can. Summer doesn’t last too long around here, and winter lasts WAY too long, so you want to soak up as much outdoor time as possible. (It’s not like it’s so cold in the winter that you can’t be outside, but it’s too cold […]
***Beware!!! Photo-heavy post ahead!***
We headed to the beach tonight for the annual city beach party. The boys were really looking forward to swimming. Then we saw this:
Um, we’ll pass on the swimming thing! The boys had a great time in the sand anyway.
We took advantage of the 5-Day, 5-County Celebration to get half-price tickets and landed ourselves in the ninth row down the left field foul line. They were pretty great seats, but it was hard for the boys to see from that low. We still managed to have a good time (despite a pretty bad loss […]
Yesterday, a couple of boxes were left in our front door. The return address was for the Brewers. My brother and sister-in-law, lovingly called Mathy, enrolled the boys in the Brewers Kids Club for their birthdays. The enrollment package arrived yesterday and included the following:
*A hat *A wristband *A piggy bank *A neck lanyard […]
We’ve been a little busy around here, as I’m sure many of you are, too. We had a great Christmas weekend, then I had to work for a couple of days, then the boys and I joined the throngs of other parents and kids looking for a place to play in the midst of our […]
I didn’t read the “Twilight” books. I never had any interest in them. I’m not really into the vampire thing. I didn’t really like “Interview With a Vampire”, and the Count on Sesame Street always kind of bugged me. I think I heard some people comparing them to Harry Potter, but I don’t see much […]
We’re still de-cluttering and organizing and moving furniture around here. Tonight (yes, a Friday night cleaning!), as I cleaned our office, I found a bunch of my old tapes. Yes, tapes. Pre-CD’s. I used to make mix tapes all the time. I used to have a Walkman that I carried around campus, while rollerblading, everywhere. […]
I like this fun bloggy carnival that Lissa started. This week, I’m thankful for free*, mid-week family entertainment, and balmy temps in the mid-40’s on November 19!
Tonight we went to the Holiday Lights Festival in downtown Milwaukee. This is when they flip the switch for the holiday lights in Pere Marquette […]
Today the Wisconsin Badgers played the Michigan Wolverines, and won! the final score was 45-24. It was a great game for me, seeing as it’s the first, and only, game I’ll go to this year. Andy and I took his sister, Lis, and our friend, Doug. We usually park at the same place for every […]