
March 2025

Joy of Love::1/28 and 2/28

I’ve decided to participate in Kelly Willette’s Joy of Love photography workshop. I needed a little something to inspire me to think a little more creatively with my photography. Each day, Kelly gives us a new prompt or assignment to go out and capture, using a loved one as the subject. Needless to say, you’ll […]

Fall fun

What a gorgeous day we had around here! I love fall days like this. The sun was warm, there was a great breeze, and I had my favorite subjects to practice on, though they were a bit reluctant at times. I still got some great shots, if I may say so myself!

Look at the […]

Badger game with the fam!

I don’t feel like getting too wordy with this post. I’ll just say that the rain cleared out in time for us to enjoy a dry game. The weather was cool, but warmer than it was supposed to be. And despite spending most of the first quarter listening to Caden whine, we all had a […]

First Day of 4-Year-Old Preschool

Today was Caden’s big day. He started his second year of preschool. Ever since Noah started last week, he’s been waiting for his chance to go to school. I’m pretty sure the main reason was so he could be with his best buddy Van, but I’d like to think he actually likes the actual school […]

First day of soccer practice!

Not only was today Noah’s first day of school, but it was also the first day of soccer practice for both Noah and Caden. Caden kept wanting us to call him “first day of soccer practice boy”! I think he was feeling a little left out with Noah having his first day of school. (Caden […]

You Capture: Mornings

I’m a bit of a morning person. Okay, not just a bit. I’m a full-fledged morning person. I’m also an optimist for the most part, and somewhat of a cheerleader at work with my patients. It’s kind of, ahem, disgusting.

Anyhoo, my mornings usually start with a view of the first bits […]

You Capture: Play

We do a lot of playing around here. All sorts of playing.

Playing cut-throat Scrabble games (that are much more difficult when you have very few vowels!)

Playing cut-throat Battleship games (under a shelter in the pouring rain!)

Playing t-ball games (with […]

100 Year Storm

Or as we call it around here, Thursday. We’ve had crazy rain storms around here this summer. Up until yesterday, the storms seemed to happen at night only, making for a great summer. But yesterday, the rain started around 8:00 in the morning, and didn’t stop until early this morning. There was a bit of […]

You Capture: Black and White

This week, Beth wanted us to work on some processing to create some black and white shots. I used some shots from our trip to the pool last Friday to play with some Lightroom presets.

Pretty Presets: BW Sweetness

Lightroom preset: B&W Creative-Look 2

Lightroom preset: B&W Creative-Look 3


What a weekend!

We’ve been very busy this weekend. We’ve been busy having FUN! (This is a REALLY long post, so hang in there!)

We’ll start with this past Thursday night, when Andy and I headed down to Summerfest to check out O.A.R. with some friends. It was packed, but we were able to claim a section of […]