Oh. I just realized that the assignment this week also included food. Hmm. I have plenty of pictures from Independence Day, and plenty of food was eaten. I just didn’t get pictures of it. But I have pictures of the boys at the parade, where they ate their fair share […]
Needless to say, I have other things on my mind lately, so blogging has been on the back burner. Taking pictures has also been neglected, as well.
But the other day, I picked up the boys early in the morning from my parents’ house (after a sleepover while Andy and I were warming our […]
The other day at our library, it was “Star Wars” day. They brought in members of the Star Wars 501st Legion-Midwest Garrison for a meet and greet and photo ops. The boys were pretty excited, and brought their new light sabers. Caden was really ready!
Enjoy the photos!
They even got […]
Thursday again. You Capture again. I was wrong about the assignment again.
I thought the assignment was “fun”. Nope. It’s “feel”. Luckily, I looked through some of my shots from the past week, and realized I’ve got some great “feel” shots. That may not be exactly following the rules, but, oh well. […]
It’s Thursday again, and that can only mean it’s “You Capture” time! This week’s theme from Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry was “Family”. It was a great weekend for it, since it was the holiday, and we spent some time with our families.
Of course, I […]
This week sort of crept up on me. Actually, there was no “creeping”-it just came and kicked me in the ass! But I have a back-up for this week’s theme of “Sweet”, assigned by Beth over at I Should Be Folding Laundry.
Ice cream is a new novelty around […]
Today could have been a little better, what with a VERY sassy 3-year-old and a whiny 5-year-old, but we had a nice day nonetheless. The boys sang in their cherub choir this morning (more on that in another post), then we headed over to Andy’s parents’ house for lunch. We had tasty brats, beans, salad, […]
It’s Thursday again, so it’s time for You Capture, hosted by Beth over at I Should Be Folding Laundry. I forgot about it until today, so I grabbed my camera as Noah and I went for a walk after dinner (Caden and Andy didn’t get to come because Caden was taking too […]
Today, while I was at work, it was boys’ day around here. They went to Menards, played outside, and ate mac n’ cheese. Caden also decided to try a bite of Noah.
Look closely…
A not-so-accurate recreation of the incident:
Now, for the most part, since I’ve been home, they’ve been pretty […]
All week I assumed the assignment this week was “Fun”. I don’t know why. I didn’t bother rechecking the assignment. I had all sorts of ideas, especially with the Brewer game yesterday. So imagine my surprise when I checked Beth’s blog and saw that it’s “Joy”! Well, we found some joy at […]