
March 2025

100 Year Storm

Or as we call it around here, Thursday. We’ve had crazy rain storms around here this summer. Up until yesterday, the storms seemed to happen at night only, making for a great summer. But yesterday, the rain started around 8:00 in the morning, and didn’t stop until early this morning. There was a bit of […]

You Capture: Vehicles

As the mother of two boys, you can be sure we have vehicles around here.

Space Shuttles:

A zamboni:

Lego vehicles, mostly Star Wars vehicles:

A giant bucket of cars/trucks/airplanes:

And Batman vehicles, which often surround the Joker-mobile: (I like the washed-out color, kind of like the old […]

Star Wars in Concert

We’re a bunch of “Star Wars” geeks around here. It’s kind of hard not being a “Star Wars” fan with two little boys in the house! Not to mention Andy’s love of the series, too! So we jumped at the chance to go see “Star Wars in Concert” which is a concert with a full […]

Making the most of summer

We’re trying to get as much out of summer as we can. Summer doesn’t last too long around here, and winter lasts WAY too long, so you want to soak up as much outdoor time as possible. (It’s not like it’s so cold in the winter that you can’t be outside, but it’s too cold […]

What a weekend!

We’ve been very busy this weekend. We’ve been busy having FUN! (This is a REALLY long post, so hang in there!)

We’ll start with this past Thursday night, when Andy and I headed down to Summerfest to check out O.A.R. with some friends. It was packed, but we were able to claim a section of […]

You Capture: Hands

We had the choice of “hands”, “chair” or “green”. I debated doing “green” and “chair” as I started covering our kitchen table chairs with green fabric, but then I decided to go with “hands”. My boys’ hands are very busy, very much of the time.

Busy playing “Rock, paper, scissors” […]

An evening at the beach

***Beware!!! Photo-heavy post ahead!***

We headed to the beach tonight for the annual city beach party. The boys were really looking forward to swimming. Then we saw this:

Um, we’ll pass on the swimming thing! The boys had a great time in the sand anyway.


You Capture: Fun

Fun is:

-finding tiny shells

-looking for the perfect skipping stone

-getting your stone to skip two or three times

-throwing rocks into the lake

-throwing more rocks into the lake

-throwing even […]

Memorial Day

Remembering those who have sacrificed for our freedom…

…with unending gratitude.

It was a hot one!

The temperature was in the low 90’s again today, extremely unseasonably warm, and very humid. So we pulled out our sprinkler and Slip ‘N Slide! (Warning: LOTS of pictures ahead!)

At first, they weren’t so sure.
