
March 2025

Happy half-birthday, Noah!!!***

Yes, we celebrate half-birthdays in our family. I grew up celebrating my half-birthday (which was last Friday by the way). My best friend’s mom used to make half cakes for us! I like celebrating them for my boys in particular, because they both have birthdays near the end of the year, quite close to Christmas […]

You Capture: Sweet

There was a fair amount of sweetness this past week.

A sweet toothless face (his fourth lost tooth in about 2 weeks!):

A sweet light fixture at the American Girl store at Mall of America:

The sweet boutique at American Girl:

Sweet silhouettes at the aquarium:

A sweet […]

The Tooth Fairy is officially broke!

She has to make a stop at my cousin’s house this time to deliver yet another stack of quarters for yet another tooth of Noah’s!

Noah’s tooth had been wiggly for a bit, but really got a lot more wiggly today when he bumped it with his knee (don’t ask me how he managed to […]

You Capture: Fresh

I had all sorts of plans to get shots of my lilac bush that is starting to show bigger buds, or my daffodils (that refuse to bloom, though I think they’ll bloom this weekend-while I’m out of town!), or even my fresh, clean laundry. But all I got was this:

It’s […]

Yay Catheroo!!!

My wonderful, wonderfully talented sister-in-law, Catheroo, has had one of her photos published! Ironically enough, her photo is in Milwaukee Magazine, which is published by QuadGraphics, Andy’s employer! Go out, get your copy, and turn to page 44 to see her delectable picture of the Midwest Airlines cookies!


The tooth fairy is going to be broke

Yup, Noah lost yet another tooth* tonight! That would be three teeth in eight days.

The tooth fairy may need to take out a loan.

*Turns out it was pushed out by the middle left tooth (you can see the new tooth in the picture if you look closely). He’s going to […]

You Capture: Comfort

(We’re over at Keli’s again this week for You Capture.)

Comfort is found on a sunny warm day in early April when you can run around barefoot (I wish I’d painted my toenails before I took this shot!)…

…or in a snuggle with sweet Mollie, my brother-in-law’s dog.


How cute is that smile?! I can’t get enough of it!

You Capture: Color

This week’s challenge is a great one. Color. I love color. We were at the Milwaukee Art Museum this past Sunday and I found myself surrounded by color. And I found myself appreciating our art museum just a little bit more. (Hang in there: there are a LOT of pictures!)

January 27th, 2010 | Category: Awesome, Fun stuff, Photography, You Capture | 16 comments - (Comments are closed)

You Capture: Love Around Your Home

The assignment given to us by Beth for this week was to find love around our homes. We were to capture what we love, what gives us joy as we look around our home. Here’s what I found.

We had this bulletin board for a while, and finally Andy wanted […]