
March 2025

7 Days::1-Obnoxious scrubs!

It’s time for the winter 2009 edition of 7 Days, so here’s my first entry.

I had to work today, and I had to take advantage of the time of year to wear my Santa/snowman scrub top. Yes, it’s quite obnoxious, but aren’t all scrub tops? They’re comfy, they have big pockets, and […]

7 Days: 7 Sassy Saj

While at the Neon Museum today, we found this old sign that says “Sassy Sally” and I figured it was the perfect backdrop for my last day of 7 Days!

We’re off to see Blue Man Group tonight! Can’t wait!


7 Days: 5 and 6

Seeing as I was in full-stress mode yesterday preparing for our awesome weekend in Las Vegas, I forgot to post this cool picture I took yesterday for 7 Days. The theme was “night” so I took my chances.

That’s my finger in the bottom left corner, trying to point to the North Star. It’s […]

7 Days:4 Painting my toes

As the countdown continues (the plane leaves in approx. 33 hours!), I keep preparing for our departure to Fabulous Las Vegas. One more thing to cross off the list-painting my toenails.

The stress is building, but as Andy put it tonight, we can’t wait to sleep in while we’re on vacation!


7 Days:3 Running

I really try my best to get my booty out of bed in the morning to go running. It’s much harder at this time of year as it’s still dark for about half of my run. So here’s how I dress for a run around my neighborhood at o’dark thirty.

This was […]

7 Days: Day 2 Writing

I had taken a different shot early today, so proud of myself for getting a head start on this daily task. I guess I’ll save it for tomorrow, though that might be cheating a bit. Oh well.

So we did some writing today, in preparation for Noah’s upcoming 6th birthday. (Where does the time go???) […]

7 Days:Day 2

I’m lazy again today, after waking up to snow and working another 5 hours and keeping up with the boys and some housework. So I’m using my 7 Days assignment as my post for today. Again, it has to be a “self-portrait” and today, it was supposed to incorporate “yellow”, however you may interpret that. […]

7 Days:Day 1

My sister-in-law, Catheroo, has participated in a photography group on Flickr called “7 Days” in the past, and I’ve been wanting to do it too. I’m so proud of myself for remembering to check on the group before this round started!

The idea behind it is to take a self-portrait every day for seven days. […]