We went to the Brewer game last weekend with Andy’s family. The tickets were half-price, but the food definitely wasn’t! $4 for a hot dog?!?!?!?!? It was good, but not that good! But it’s all part of the experience. The boys had a great time, except we didn’t bring one of Caden’s blankies into the game (they were both in the car!), and we only had one Matchbox car, so there were several skirmishes about that. Despite ultimately losing the game in extra innings (we didn’t stay), it was a lot of fun. Here are some pictures (I’m working on using more of my camera’s functions, so some aren’t the best exposure):
If you click on any of the above pictures, you will be redirected to my Flickr page where you can see some more pictures!
Why did they get rid of that clever old logo? I’m glad to still see it! Great pictures!