This morning we headed downtown to the children’s museum with our friends, Steph, Maddie, and Katie. It’s always a fun thing to do with the kids, and even more fun today was driving down all together in the minivan. The kids were crazy! And then while we were there, Caden and Katie found their buddy, Sydney, from their preschool class. New crush?
We also found a very disturbing mirror.
We walked back to the car, and under the windshield wiper on my back window, I found a card with some slips of paper stapled to it. Turns out, those slips of paper were 4 tickets to Weezer, and 4 tickets to another concert coming up at a local venue. The tickets say “Free Ticket Thursday” on them. It’s not Thursday, but maybe they’re giving them out early because of the holiday. What I’m really wondering, though, is who decided that I fit the demographic-driving a minivan, parked at the children’s museum? Whatever. What bums me out, is that Andy has already bought a ticket to that show! Anyone want to buy his ticket? Or at least split the cost?
This evening we took Caden to get his haircut. How cute is he?!
Noah and Caden recently learned the silly verse of “Jingle Bells”. You know, the one where “Batman smells” and “Robin laid an egg”. So today Noah decided to make puppets of the main “characters” so he could put on a show.
And how sweet are my boys? (Some of these shots are a little blurry-new lens, doesn’t autofocus. New camera needed?)