We’re still de-cluttering and organizing and moving furniture around here. Tonight (yes, a Friday night cleaning!), as I cleaned our office, I found a bunch of my old tapes. Yes, tapes. Pre-CD’s. I used to make mix tapes all the time. I used to have a Walkman that I carried around campus, while rollerblading, everywhere. Pre-iPod. Ah, technology.
Anyway, back to the tapes. It was a little walk down memory lane. Andy had a good time perusing my selection, laughing about some of my choices then. I laughed too.
I was a fan of musicals, especially Andrew Lloyd Weber stuff. I was also into the teeny-bopper stuff like Tiffany, Debbie Gibson, Belinda Carlisle. I LOVED Nelson! I even saw them in concert, flowing hair and all!
There are a lot of memories in these tapes. I’m glad I took the picture, because now I’m ready to toss the tapes. Gotta keep getting rid of stuff.