Ode to 2007
2007 went by in a blur.
We had plenty of fun, of this I’m sure.
Andy took Noah to the sunny Florida beach,
Leaving Sarah and Caden within January’s cold reach.
Our little Valentines, always in tow.
We spent a lot of time in February out in the snow.
In March we all said, “Spring has sprung!”
And our outdoor fun had just begun.
With Easter in April, we welcomed the bunny.
Riding bikes, playing baseball, to the park when it was sunny.
In May, we celebrated, in a wonderful way.
Flying out to Cali for Matte and Cathy’s wedding day.
We enjoyed the Quadgraphics picnic in June,
And checked out Starry Nights, lovely music in tune.
For the 4th of July, we checked out the parade.
And Andy and Sarah ran for Bastille Day.
Our August was hot, and Andy turned 30.
The boys spent plenty of time in the sandbox getting dirty.
In September, the boys had their first day of school.
Caden was cautious, but Noah thought it was cool.
Sarah’s birthday and new job in October-just the start.
Noah turned 4, and Halloween-they dressed the part.
The end of the Badger’s home season, stitches, and karate,
Thanksgiving in Minnesota, November was a party.
Noah sang in the choir, Caden wonderfully turned 2.
December and Christmas bring plenty of cheer for this crew.
We’re so very grateful for all we’ve been given:
Our home, health, and boys-who’ve been sent from Heaven.
As we look at our calendar, past the 31st date,
What a wonderful year-now on with 2008!
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year, from the Hoffman’s!
Andy, Sarah, Noah, and Caden
Can’t believe how fast the year flew by. Great reminders of how much fun 2007 was.
Too cute!!! You’re so clever.
You are a Poet and I didn’t even know it:) A fantastic year it was!
Enjoyed reading about your journey in 2007. Have a wonderful
New Year.