Seeing as I was in full-stress mode yesterday preparing for our awesome weekend in Las Vegas, I forgot to post this cool picture I took yesterday for 7 Days. The theme was “night” so I took my chances.
That’s my finger in the bottom left corner, trying to point to the North Star. It’s hard to do in the dark!
And here’s my contribution for today:
It’s my sweet hubby and me waiting to watch the fountain show in front of the Bellaggio. Not looking too bad after being up for close to 24 hours! It’s been a long day, and we’re stuffed beyond all stuffing after enjoying the Fall Tasting Menu at Tom Colicchio’s Craftsteak at the MGM Grand tonight. The food was delish, but my poor tummy isn’t used to all of that rich food! But it was totally worth it!
Tomorrow: the Neon Museum! I can’t wait!
Caden loved to catch a glimpse of Mom & Dad in Vegas!