Today, there was an envelope in the mail that said “Payment enclosed” on the front. I don’t know of any payment that is to be coming my way. I opened it, and found a check for $50 made out to me, and in the memo line it said “Signspotting submission”.
So a few months ago (I don’t remember when), I submitted a photo to “Signspotting”. Every week in the Travel section of our local Sunday paper, a guy named Doug Lansky puts in a picture of a funny or crazy sign. It says you can get $50 for any pictures he uses. Apparently, he liked mine! I didn’t see it in our local paper, but I’m guessing it’s on the webpage somewhere. I haven’t found it yet-you have to rate a picture to see the next one. And I’m not sure what category it was put in. But it must be there somewhere-I’ve got the check to prove it!
So I’m published-again! Here’s the picture I sent:
It was taken at a nearby park after we had some serious flooding in our area because of several days of torrential downpours last summer. Not bad, huh?
that picture cracks me UP!
cracks me up, too! the kind that ends up in the endless circular/viral emails. good for you! it’s one thing to take the pic, another to get it out there! good for you!
Way to go Sarah!