Today was the last day of Caden’s summer sports program called “Little Sports Explorer”. Each week they tried a new sport. They did soccer (which he missed while we were on vacation), t-ball, hockey, kickball, another one he missed (because of vacation bible school), and today, track and field. Seriously! It was really cute.
Caden’s group started out in the field talking about running. Then they played Red Light, Green Light.
Then they rotated to the hurdles. First shorter ones, then taller ones. The taller ones don’t look terribly tall-until you put a 3-year-old next to it!
Finally, they rotated to shot put. In actuality, it ended up being a chance to throw a ball as far as possible, but close enough.
The last thing they did was run a little race against another kid. Caden was running against a little girl, and when they got to the hurdles, Caden went to the shorter ones, and the little girl ended up at the taller ones. She jumped over one, then decided to head over to the shorter ones. Smart kid!
Caden really had a good time trying different sports, and he was very excited to get a ribbon at the end!
And here are some sweet shots, too.
Awww, so cute!! It looks like he had SO much fun – and you captured it so well. 🙂