
July 2009

You Capture: Friends


Friends. We’ve been with friends in the past week. I just didn’t take any pictures. I really didn’t take too many pictures at all lately. I don’t know why. Whatever.

So I went through some of our activities from the summer, and decided to include a few from our fun days with friends. Mind you, these are friends of the boys’, sort of by default through me because I’m friends with their friends’ parents. You get the idea. Just look at the pictures!

This is from a visit to the zoo with our dear friends Kylie and Andy and their mom, Amy. The statues are outside of the Big Cat house, and the boys thought it would be so funny to put their hats on the heads of the statues.
Zoo statues

One of my oldest (not true age, but how long we’ve known each other) friends, Liz, lives in Massachusetts with her husband and their three kids, Isabella, Sienna, and Elijah. (I wrote about Elijah here and here last summer when Elijah had a health scare that is thankfully under control, now!) We were able to spend a couple of days together this summer when they came to visit Liz’s parents who still live in the area. Even though we don’t see each other very often (they were last here this past November), the kids still manage to have a great time together.

Long-distance friends

Sienna was helping Caden up the slide here. So cute!
Give me your hand!

They were tired from all of the playing.
Taking a break

Noah is playing in a “Little Sluggers” park and rec league, and it’s loosely a t-ball team. They get to try to hit two pitches from a coach, and then they bring out the tee to hit from if they miss the pitches. Our “home team” is based at our neighborhood park, so Noah gets to play with his good buddy, Ethan. They could practically be twins. In fact, when they were little, Ethan’s mom, Jen, and I would often start disciplining a blonde buzzed headed boy sitting in the corner, thinking he was our own, only to find it was the other one!
Baseball buds

And Noah’s good bud, Nathan, is playing on another team in the league, so they get to play each other. Competitive tendencies have not developed yet, thank goodness! They had fun chatting on the field when one was on base and the other was playing defense! They also could be mistaken for twins!
Opponents but friends

Caden isn’t terribly interested in watching Noah’s games at this point. At most of the parks, he likes to be playing on the playground or hanging out with Ethan’s younger sister, Molly. They’re really cute together! Even they could be mistaken for twins!
Buddies with dinosaurs

We spend quite a bit of time with Kylie and Andy, since the kids get along so well, and us moms are good friends and get along famously. Here my boys and Kylie were playing at our friend Becky’s parents’ lake house after soaking in the hot tub.
Looking up

And here’s the whole crew playing on the playground at a park nearby. Even Andy, who’s a little more than a year younger than Caden, keeps up with the big kids!
Kiddos on the plane

We’ve really been having a good summer with friends.

Now head over to I Should Be Folding Laundry to see some other friends.


On an unrelated note, Andy got home from work today, looked at me, and said, “Did you get a haircut today?”

Me: “No… I just actually did my hair today.”

Andy (awkwardly): “Oh. It looks nice!”

So I think I’ll work on doing a little more with my hair than normal…

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