
April 2009

Weigh-in Wednesday: Week 4

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans

Here we are again. It’s Wednesday, time to fess up. No, it’s really not that big of a deal, but whatever.

Initial weight: 124.0
Last week: 123.0
This week: 123.0

Yup. No change. I’m not terribly upset. I’ve had four really stressful days at work. I don’t normally work four days in a row anymore. My normal work days are Mondays and Tuesdays. Then I work about one weekend a month to fulfill my contracted position. It’s a lot of description to make you all understand, so just trust me on this one. Anyway, I had to work this past weekend, and then Monday and Tuesday. By the fourth day I’m usually running on fumes. This time was no exception.

I worked fairly long days on Saturday and Sunday, which is unusual. The hospital is hopping right now. On Monday, I had a patient scheduled at 8:30 at the outpatient clinic, and at 8:15 I was still standing in line at the Park & Rec office to sign my boys up for some summer activities. That place drives me nuts! The pamphlet clearly says you can drop off your “sealed envelope” at the office. Instead, you stand in line and wait for them to process your registration. I got there just at 8:00, but was about 40th in line. At about 8:10 I realized there was no way I’d get our registration done and still have time to make it to work on time. I called my mom to beg her to come over with the boys on the way to taking Noah to school to finish standing in line for me. She wonderfully came over to relieve me. So I hauled ass to the clinic where my patient was waiting for me, 10 minutes after his appointment was supposed to start. Just me trying to be “Super Mom”! But he was nice about it, and another PT covered for me with my next patient. But it threw me off for the whole day! I stayed at work about 45 minutes later than normal that day, as well.

Yesterday was a totally nuts day. Long story short, we had a ton of patients to see at the hospital, our PT that normally works all day had training in the morning, and the other PT that was asked to cover for her was sent somewhere else in the morning, so another PT and I had to cover the morning schedule which was totally bonkers! The afternoon wasn’t much better. I was at work about 15 minutes longer than scheduled. That doesn’t sound like much, but I haven’t been working many full days at work lately, so I need to readjust. I can’t wait for this paycheck!

So I had a hard time motivating to work out the past 5 or 6 days. I got up early on Saturday to Shred before work, but after falling asleep at 8:30 that night, then sleeping all night, I didn’t have any desire to get up early on Sunday to Shred. So I figured I’d do it later. Not so much. I’m fessing up: I didn’t shred on Sunday. Strike me down! Kick me out of the Sisterhood! No wait, don’t do that! I Shredded Monday and Tuesday mornings. I decided to get on the treadmill this morning because I’m running an 8K on Saturday morning and my running has been taking the back seat to Shredding, and now I’m afraid Shredding is going to get skipped again today. We’ll see.

To fess up about Shredding, I’m not as excited about it as I was when I started. I think it’s hard for me to do the same thing for 30 days in a row. I know I’ve moved onto Level 2, but it’s still a little repetitive. I’ve also started to feel more crappy about my baby pooch lately too. I don’t know. I’m feeling stressed out about stuff coming up so I think that’s part of it. My motivation needs a swift kick in the ass! We’ll see what happens Saturday at my run!

5 comments to Weigh-in Wednesday: Week 4

  • sorry that you didn’t lose any, but its a good thing you know why – at least you can go about trying to correct it.

  • I hear ya about the repetitiveness of Shredding. I am getting a little tired of it as well. Good luck on your run.

  • Maintaining is just fine. No worries about that! I have the same issues with doing the same thing over and over again, but it’s just 30 days! I know you can do it! :o)

  • I hear you on the Shredding losing it’s luster. I’ve been feeling the EXACT same way. I was so very pumped during the first level, and now I feel like it’s such a chore. Don’t get me wrong, I feel wonderful after I’ve done it, but it’s just starting that’s so hard.

    I missed Saturday, and I know I’m not getting kicked out of the Sisterhood, and neither are you!!

    This week will be better, and if you don’t feel like Shredding, just email me and I’ll give you some motivation! 🙂

  • Jen

    I tried the Shred last year but only made it to day 6. I definitely need variety in my workouts so it wasn’t for me. Don’t get me wrong-it is a great workout just not my cup of tea.

    Hope you are having a better week! 🙂